Muscovites will be told about places of tortures and murders

@Gazeta "Metro"
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opens on November 29 installation index "Sretensky prison"

    by For information consider a QR code on the index Foto: In total Kuzmichenok VasiliiDlya of information consider a QR code on the index of on Petrovka installation index "Sretensky prison" will open. It is part of the project "Terror topography. Moscow" which will tell inhabitants about the repressions which were carried out in the capital to pre-war time.

    – Now when the city becomes beautiful, bright, in it there is no memory of a trauma, of what history at us. When it is forced out, memory becomes artificial. The Soviet power shot people and put them in sharashka. It were secret prisons, and even sitting did not know where territorially they are. We find these places in archives and we plot on a site, – told Metro the curator of the Terror Topography project of the movement "Memorial" Polivanova Alexander. – The Sretensky prison was one of such places.

    the Index sends to p to a place where earlier there was a building of this prison, and Expert and criminalistic management of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs Moscow now rises. As, according to organizers, 99 percent of constructions where people were exposed to repressions, belong to the organizations which do not want to report about it on facades of the zdaniiya, "Memorial" appealed to the museums to place indexes in their territories.

    – Moscow – this infinite field of points in which repressions of citizens were carried out, but very few people know about it. We, having lived in Moscow all life, we have no concept that here was hundred years ago, – told Metro one of founders of installation the architect Ass Kirill.

    B Moscow. On each of them the QR code, schitav which phone, it is possible to learn in more detail about this place will take place. Also since December 3 "Memorial" will start driving excursions in places of tortures and executions in Tverskoy district .

      Alexandra Polivanova
      Last position: Cochairman (Regional non-governmental organization "Historical and educational, human rights and charitable association "Moskovsky memorial")
      Kuzmichenok Vasilii