The book of the neurologist became a basis of the theatrical scenario

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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Alexey Zolotovitsky as P. and Nina Shchegoleva (P.'s wife) in statement

Zolotovitsky Aleksey as P. and Shchegoleva Nina (P.'s wife) in statement "The person who accepted the wife for shlyapó»

Foto: Guterman Mikhail

on November 29 at the Academic theater of a name of Mayakovsky of the prime minister — "The person who took the wife for a hat" directed by Kobelev Nikita.

At the main hero of statement, professors of conservatory and the patient of the well-known neurologist Saks Oliver, are not present a name — it is designated only by a letter P. It is played by the actor Zolotovitsky Aleksey. Actually, all statement also is created on the basis of the documentary book Saks Oliver. And the name of performance is taken from one of works and describes a concrete clinical case from its practice.

That still was the clever man! Earned big money by medical practice and writing of books in which described patients. In addition removed the wards on a video camera. It described and the illness — "frustration of perception of the person, or a prozopagnoziya", using an image of that poor fellow, Mr. P. which confused own wife (Shchegoleva Nina) to a hat. How it? According to the conclusion of the doctor "he learned a subject or object only when started interacting with him by means of music".

Performance — musical, with drums, keyboard, the jazz because at each patient in the head the melody sounds.

88-year-old Mrs. of OHMS performed by the same Shchegoleva Nina (actors play at once some roles) hears the Irish concert. It — from its childhood when were live both mother, and the father, and it had Christmas, with a fir-tree and gifts. In five years she became an orphan, and all her further life — continuous loneliness. The doctor Saks Oliver told Mrs. of OHMS that "all of us — exiles of the past" and that the brain keeps exact record of all our experiences and losses. And that there is a way of its treatment — removal of part of bark of a brain and deleting of memoirs. But the woman preferred to remain with the Irish concert in the head.

of Mrs. of S. (Rovenskikh Alexander), the heroine of the medical history "To the Right, Around", too has acoustical hallucinations. The doctor Saks Oliver tells her story which recognized from the Soviet neuropsychologist Luriya Alexander (it was with it in long correspondence). It is history that Shostakovich Dimitri during blockade was wounded in the head and a small splinter remained in a brain of the composer. As if Shostakovich Dimitri refused to delete a splinter because it mixed up in his head and when it bent — to it ingenious music came.

of the Prime minister at Theatre of a name of Mayakovsky has informative character. Everyone will reflect — and whether there is in it no certain strangeness which it is necessary to treat? Chatsky's words "Instead of who is strange? " in a context of this performance are inappropriate. The majority of heroes of the performance "The Person Who Took the Wife for a Hat" recovered. Except for the Person and doctor Saks Oliver. It died from cancer in 2015.

Alexandra Rovenskikh
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater named after Vl. Mayakovskogo")
Kobelev Nikita
Zolotovitsky Aleksey
Shchegoleva Nina
Guterman Mikhail