The Russian tobogganers enter the preolympic season with ambitious plans

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Moscow, 26 Nov - Sport News Agency "R-Sport", Bogatov Oleg. the National team Russian Federation on luge on Saturday will take part in the first competitions of a new, preolympic season - in the German Vinterberg starts the first stage the World Cup -2016/17.

the Main tournaments of a season - the World Cup in Iglsa (Austria, carrying out terms - on January 27-29, 2017) and the championship of in Kenigzey (Germany, on January 5-6, 2017). Besides, will pass nine World Cup stages, the first - in Vinterberg (on November 26-27), and final, the ninth - on February 25-26, 2017 in the German Altenberg (the fifth stage will be combined with the championship of ).

the Purpose on a WC - two medals

the President Federation of luge Russian Federation (FSSR) Gart Natalia in anticipation of a season declared to p Sport News Agency "R-Sport" that in the World Cup the team is faced by a task to win two awards of various advantage." It is sure that to our team on forces to win two medals in the World Cup, - the head of the organization told. - And, certainly, it would be desirable that one of them was gold. And in the championship of we count on three medals - both in relay, and in single competitions of men and women".

the Interlocutor of agency emphasized that all athletes approach to a season in good degree of readiness and "with a fighting spirit". The head coach of the national team, the titled tobogganer Demchenko Albert holds the similar opinion also." Preparation for a season took place at good qualitative level, - declared Sport News Agency "R-Sport" the expert. - I am happy with everything, all athletes are in a good form, and on a course of a season volumes of ice preparation" will gather additionally.

Albert Demchenko
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Demchenko Albert . And on the European superiority-2016 in Altenberg in an asset there were three medals - silver Repilov Roman and bronze Ivanova Tatyana in single competitions, and also the third place of team in the mixed relay (Repilov Roman, Ivanova Tatyana, Denisyev Alexander / Antonov Wladyslaw ).

the Russian hopes

for performance at the first World Cup stages are included by p In structure of a national team of 14 athletes: singles Pavlichenko Semen , Repilov Roman, Fedorov Stepan , Stepichev Alexander, Aravin Maxime , Ivanova Tatyana, Baturina Catherina, Katnikova Catherina and crews of the two Denisyev Alexander / Antonov Wladyslaw, Bogdanov Andrey / Medvedev Andrey, Yuzhakov Wladyslaw / Prokhorov Youri.

For a season centrally also prepared Gorbatsevich Alexander, Demchenko Victoria and Peretyagin Alexander, but two last were traumatized in November. Both broke hands but if Demchenko Victoria can already return to a system in December on the Cup Russian Federation, for Gorbatsevich Alexander as told Demchenko Albert ", the season is almost finished".

to Give battle to Lokh Felix

the Main goal of Russians in competition of male singles - to impose worthy to rivalry to the titled German, the triple Olympic champion and the 12-fold winner of the World Cups to Lokh Felix . And Gart Natalia considers that within its powers." I am sure that first of all Pavlichenko Semen and Repilov Roman will be able to struggle as equals with Lokh Felix. And to win against it. Would not began to write-off and Fedorov Stepan", - she told. And also noted, as the leader of a women's team Ivanova Tatyana has the right to count on equal rivalry with the German sanochnitsa, first of all, with the numerous winner of the Olympic Games and the World Cups Geyzenberger Natalie . Felix Lokh

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Kstati, Germans really are afraid of the Russian athletes, and on that is the reasons. After all Pavlichenko Semen in 2015 beat Lokh Felix both on world, and in the European championship, having won two gold medals. And the yesterday's junior Repilov Roman last year won silver in the championship of , having forced to be fidgety a lot of become to the first the German. And the numerous champion of Ivanova Tatyana any more enters the first year into elite of world sanochny sports. In last season the Russian won bronze medals in the World Cups and and became the third in the overall ranking of the World Cup, having diluted habitual German "small party".

Leaders are full of ambitions

the Correspondent of Sport News Agency "R-Sport" shortly before the beginning of a season talked to leaders combined Russian Federation which did not hide ambitious hopes. Pavlichenko Semen marked out that last season was not failure:" Every year skill grows - I showed stable to a cut

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Pavlichenko Semen (Russian Federation)
ltat, and it too necessary experience. In 2015 there was a break - now we know how to win. And now we work over steadily to win". Repilov declared p to

Repilov Roman for me - not the highest level. Because my team mate Pavlichenko Semen won the World Cup, and above - only a victory at the Olympic Games. Therefore in the World Cup I at least want to be in prizes, and in the championship of it is necessary to try to win".

the High purposes sets before itself and Ivanova Tatyana: "The main task in the forthcoming season - World Cup gold. It is necessary to interrupt as often as possible series of victories of the German sportswomen".

Roman Aleksandrovich Repilov
Alexander Denisyev
Last position: The professional athlete on luge
Wladyslaw Nikolaevich Antonov
Last position: The professional athlete on luge
Semyon Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko
Last position: The professional athlete on luge
Stepan Fyodorov
Last position: The professional athlete on luge