What "it is socially significant" for Russian Federation? Roy Medvedev and "rhenium recycling"

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So determined Rospechat

Russian cabbage soup In October, 2016 the deputy State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin sent inquiry to the head Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications to Mikhail Seslavinsky where requested information of the following contents:

1. Lists of socially significant editions (authors, publishing houses, circulations), receiving public financing (with the indication of the amount of financing) from 2004 to 2016

2. Lists of the modern Russian writers representing Russian Federation at the international book exhibitions fairs (by years), from 2004 to 2016

3. Lists of the translations into foreign languages of the works created in languages of the people Russian Federation (authors, publishing houses, circulations), receiving public financing (with the indication of the amount of financing) from 2004 to 2016

4. Lists of winners of an award of Government of the Russian Federation in the field of the culture, recommended by Rospechat (by years), from 2004 to 2016

Mikhail Seslavinsky responded p to this request, but only partially. Department submitted "The list of socially significant editions which have received public financing in 2012 — 2016" on 159 pages with the indication of publishing houses, authors, names and circulations. Thus the amounts of financing are not specified concrete books, and they can differ very significantly; data for all years are not submitted (under a pretext that data went "to archive" — a strange excuse during an era of a general computerization), information is provided selectively. to

the Reason of umolchaniye is clear to p. Writers repeatedly subjected Rospechat and its management to criticism for a course on support of very disputable authors: Rubina Dina, sporting obscene lexicon, Ulitskaya Ludmila, educating kids concerning a nonconventional gender, Shishkin Mikhail, refused to represent the country at the international forum as it is a shame to it with Russian Federation, Sorokin Vladimir, calling "writer-g.vnoyedom" and so forth. Division of writers on "black" (those whom hold on short rations) and "white" (showered with the various state benefits) led to the scandal which has burst in a Year of literature. The writer Moskvin Eugenie addressed with letters to Vladimir Putin and to his adviser for culture Tolstoy Vladimir. In these messages, in addition, the sender asked to abolish (to disband) Rospechat and to transfer department functions in Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The ideas stated by Moskvin Eugenie, many writers supported. Discussion of letters took place in "The literary newspaper" and other mass media.

Writers, unlike the theatrical public, do not complain of censorship from the power. They point to injustice of state regulation in their sphere and speak about other censorship — censorship of money, insist on that them put in equal situation with "favourites" of Rospechat, but as "the heart has a will of its own", the vkusovshchina is inevitable. Rospechat abolition in such deal seems quite logical step — after all officials "solve nothing", being covered with "Public councils" which allegedly and render a verdict about financial feed of this or that publishing project. And the formal state administration manages too expensive. Only one "Rendering services in technical support of the Uniform automated system Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications and the Official site" — make 16,5 million a year as the site of testifies . The only firm participated in competition on performance of work (it — the winner) LLC "Tesla Service". As they say, from small literature before small business — one step. Everything is logical!

From "The list of socially significant editions which have received public financing in 2012 — 2016 godaõ»

Bromley C.B. "Problems of dialectology, lingvogeografiya and history of the Russian yazykà»
Chelyshev E.P. "The solution of National and language questions in the modern world. The countries Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltiè»
of Pavlov E.V. "Variable forms of after-hour work with podrostkamè»
Popov F.A. "Setsessionizm geography in modern mirå»
Viktorov A.Sh. "Philosophical dictionary of zero pokoleniÿ»
Kravchenko A.B. "From the language myth to biological realnostè»
«Bibliopsikhologiya and biblioterapiÿ»
Naydenova of E.A. "Theater — a source of ethnic information and a form of art and design deyatelnostè»
Gurevich P.S. "Philosophical comprehension chelovekà»
«Innovatsionny type of development of ekonomikè»
«Informatsionny menedzhmenò»
Kasevich of V.B. "Cognitive linguistics: Searching identichnostè»
Rakhilina E.B. "Cognitive analysis of subject names: semantics and sochetayemostü»
Menshakov Yu.K. "Technical investigation from kosmosà»
Grinberg P.C. "individual %26 State. Economic teoriÿ»
Medvedev P. "time Vladimir Putin. sochinenié»
Medvedev P meeting. "Political portraits: Brezhnev L., Andropov Yu.. Meeting sochinenié»
Medvedev R. "Soviet Union. Last years lives. sochinenié»
Medvedev Zh meeting. "Ural accident. Meeting sochinenié»
«Yediny the glossary of the basic concepts and the terms used in by to work of radio stations in the conditions of transition to the digital veshchaniÿ»
«Turizm format — the most important means of the international communications and intercivilization dialogà»
«Zhurnalisty Russian Federation. KHKH-KHKH1»
«Bezopasnost Russian Federation. Legal, social and economic and scientific and technical aspects. GLONASS in system of providing bezopasnostè»
Bavilsky D.V. "Poste restante: Conversations with modern kompozitoramè»
Gomazkov O. And. "Neurogenesis as B.C adaptive mozgà»
Chesnokov function. "Etudes on stories of scientific myslè»
Kokarev A.I. "Collection of articles and memories of Khrennikov T.N. and Switzerland. 200 years of mutual understanding and sotrudnichestvà»
Medushevskaya O.M. "Space and time in sciences about the person: chosen trudû»
Gurevich P.S. "Philosophical interpretation of the person. To 80-letiþ»
Chernyaev Ampere-second. "The favourites — 2"
Youri Solonin. X1X-XX1 of centuries. Biographic ocherkè»
Abbat Verto Ober Renee. "History of the Maltese knights. T. 1 (books I—VIII)"
Abbey Verto Ober Renee. "History of the Maltese knights. T. 2 (books of IX-XIV)"
In Ivlin. "I feel deeply suppressed and unfortunate. From diaries, 19171965»
Bardin. "And there came potoì…»
Koshelev A.D. "Contours of the synthetic theory of yazykà»
Livanov V.B. "Livanov Boris — is Russian Federation"
Stepin V. S. "Chosen philosophical works. To the 80 anniversary of akademikà»
Razlogov K. "My festivalè»
Dubinina O. And. "Library in space of the modern city. Architecture and design. Of the past to budushchemó»
Zavadovskaya Page Yu. "Zavadovsky Youri Nikolaevich (1909−1979). Searching of the lost East. Life and tvorchestvà»
Medvedev P sketch. "Nobel winners Russian Federation. Meeting sochinenié»
Shapkin V. "Eshpay in mine zhiznè»
Khazan V. I. "Life and creativity Sobol Andrey, or the Story how everything left naoboroò»
Urazova C. L. "A sociocultural role of the Russian TV in national information prostranstvå»
Zamyatin D.N. "post-geography. Capital (-ism) geographical obrazoâ»
Zhdanova M.B. "Architect and artist. Shumakov. To the 60 anniversary since birth Shumakov N.I."
Bocharov S.G. "Substance of existence. Philological etyudû»
«Ustoychivost biocommunities at anthropogenous vozdeystviè»
«Issledovatelskiye aspects of modern ecological obrazovaniÿ»
Kasikov A.G. "reniÿ»
Simakov S.P recycling. "I in publishers would go … Business %26th publishing delî»
German M.Yu. "About art and iskusstvoznaniè»
Medushevsky B.B. "Spiritual analysis of muzykè»
Shishkin M.M. "Care of glazaõ»
Kolesova Yu.A. "Tourist and recreational proyektirovaniå»
Alekseyenko VA. "Chemical elements in city pochvaõ»
Kononkova Item F. "Two worlds — two ideologies. About situation in biological and agricultural sciences to Russian Federation in Soviet and Post-Soviet perioä»
«Kak effectively to develop tourism to Russian Federation: family and books, friends and vragè»
«Aktualnyye ethnolanguage and ethnocultural problems of the present. of Book 2"
Koshelev A.D. "Cognitive analysis universal kontseptoâ»
Klimova. "And the person goes to the person. Memories of Revich Alexander. To the 100 anniversary from the date of rozhdeniÿ»
Sharipov F.V. "Pedagogical menedzhmenò»
Kozhina M.H. "Rechevedeniye. Theory of functional stylistics. Chosen trudû»
Pomerants. "Dispute of civilizations and dialogue of cultures. Lectures and articles zero godoâ»
«Okhrana work in poligrafiè»
«Yazyk and thought. Modern cognitive lingvistikà»
Chelyshev E.P. "Common problems of national and language politikè»
Vankovich C.M. "A suit in eclecticism captivity: architectural and stylistic assotsiatsiè»
Bogdanova T.M. "Airsport — pride Russian Federation"
Bukalov A.M. "With pontiffs in this world: notes of the participant of papal press-pulà»
Razlogov K.E. "Historical cultural science. Entsiklopediÿ»
Krongauz M. A. "Internetà»
Somov language B dictionary. "Poetic geography. Culturological slovarü»
Maslachenko Yu.V. "Maslachenko Vladimir. Sports — this art, sports — are zhiznü»
Gabdullin P.P. "Through time and space: reality transformation (popular global studies) »
Yastrebtseva E.H. "33 councils for application in Of this year Internetà»
Matlina library. "Library space. Imagined image and realnostü»
Semenko A.F. "From rhythmics of flight incidents to hierarchy of cycles of society. Scientific works. To the 90 anniversary since birth Tupoleva A.A."
of Poles of Century. "Book art. Theory and praktikà»
Krasnykh B.B. "Dictionary and grammar lingvokulturû»
Karasik V. I. "Language manifestation of the personality: values, discourse, refleksiÿ»
Granin D. And. "Intelegenda: articles, performances, esså»
«Bezopasnost Russian Federation. Legal, social and economic and scientific and technical aspects. Scientific bases technogenic bezopasnostè»
«Bezopasnost Russian Federation. Legal, social and economic and scientific and technical aspects. Durability and safety justification of objects continental shelfà»
«Svobodny philosopher of Pyatigorskié»
Fedorovsky L.N. "Bases of graphic kompozitsiè»
Bezmenova K.B. "Equipment of monotipiè»
Smirnov C.B. "ACAHO group: the Russian emigrants in military formations Manchzhou-gî»
Yampolsky M. "From chaos. Dragomoshchenko: poetry, photo, filosofiÿ»
Lipskaya B.M. "Psychology and kostyumà»
Zonova T.B sociology. "History of foreign policy Italy and bases of trade politikè»
Bordachev T.B. "The theory of the international relations in XX1 vekå»
Timenchik P. "Angels, people, things. M. A. collection stateé»
Marusenko "Languages and national identity. Modern calls to national unity and territorial tselostnostè»
Feldman D.M. "Grossman Vasilii in a mirror of literary intrigues. To the 110 anniversary from the date of rozhdeniÿ»
Kiyanskaya O. And. "Southern revolt. Revolt of the Chernigov infantry regiment. To the 190 anniversary from the date of dekabristoâ»
Kosichev L.A revolt. "We and and Russian book abroad (1919−1936) »
«Transport and logistics in "
of Tonchu E.A. "Woman and literature. T. 1"
of Tonchu E.A. "Woman and literature. T. 2"
Freylikh S. I. "Motion picture art: theory and practice. To the 95 anniversary since birth Freylikhà»
Vinokur T.G. "Regularities of stylistic use of language units. Monografiÿ»
Krysin L.P. "Articles about Russian and Russians of yazykovedaõ»

«Lingvisticheskaya poetikà»
Orlov P. A. "Generative graphics. Creative programmirovaniå»
Alova L.A. "Alov and Naumoâ»
Podoroga Century. "Second screen. Eisenstein Sergei and nasiliÿ»
Medvedev Zh cinema. "Dangerous profession. Memuarû»
Medvedev P. "Revolution and civil war to Russian Federation: the literary biography in historical and political kontekstå»
Chichkanov E.C. "The theory and practice of cinema in additional obrazovaniè»
«Syn Vera. Rozhdestvensky Robert to Republic of Karelia"
"Without censorship: young theatrical direction of HH1 of an eyelid"
"Lotman Yu.M., Mints Z.G. — Yegorov B.F.. Correspondence 19541993»
Arveli M. "Shainsky. Life and tvorchestvî»
«Transport and logistics in . The Northern Sea Route — a course to "
Hudolya V. V. "Ex-librises and Romanovyõ»
Razlogov K.E family. "Cinema in whirlpool of mass culture. Film process of a boundary of XX-XX1 vekoâ»
Vsevolodova of M. V. "Theory of functional and communicative sintaksisà»
Skrebnev Yu.M. "Sketch of the theory of stilistikè»
Annenkova E.A. "Their imperial highnesses Moskvin Eugenie and Revich Alexander Oldenburgskiå»
Mardakhaev L.V.