Quickly... In Yekaterinburg police officers detained the equipment suspected of theft from exhibitions about the emperor Nicolae II

@Vedomosti Ural
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Detectives of criminal investigation department of the Ekaterinburg garrison of police on "hot scents" opened plunder a requisite from exhibitions Nikolay II in Yekaterinburg, the correspondent "SHEETS Ural" reports.

About it to our edition were told by the head of the press service of Head department of ministry of internal affairs of the Russian Federation on Sverdlovsk region Valery Nikolaevich Gorelykh.

according to the official representative of a Sverdlovsk regional police central board, to police officers it was succeeded to identify the personality of the suspect, the local of 1967 year of birth appeared them.

"The man is already delivered by

in territorial to Department of Internal Affairs in a place of commission of crime where already gives confession and wrote surrender. Field investigators of criminal investigation department search for the gone equipment", - explained Valery Nikolaevich Gorelykh. He also added. that now police officers hold expeditious events for withdrawal of the stolen equipment.

"This crime is not connected by

with desire to break exhibition, not connected with a frank crime, it is connected with personal motives", - specified Valery Nikolaevich Gorelykh.

In police also determined the exact amount of damage, caused by the malefactor." In the statement in police the director of Firm "Rus" who organized exhibition, reported that it estimates the general damage at the sum of 170 thousand rubles", - the press secretary of a Sverdlovsk regional police central board declared.

it is interesting to

that earlier representatives of exhibitions told journalists that the damage from actions of malefactors made about 400 thousand rubles.

we Will remind

that equipment theft from exhibitions, devoted to the last Russian emperor Nikolay II and his family, happened this morning. "The disturbing message on theft arrived in department of police No. 5 Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of the Yekaterinburg city at 12 hours 10 minutes from the controler of exhibitions by the name of Mamayeva. The woman, having come to work (exhibition works to Weiner St. address, 12 - an editor's note. ) could not start a multimedia projection of 10 pictures and 2 photos about Nikolay's II life. She understood that the equipment fixed on a ceiling, is stolen", - noted in the Ekaterinburg police. From exhibitions four projectors which cost can vary from 150 to 200 thousand rubles were gone.

Exhibition "Nikolay II. Live cloths" opened on the second floor of a mansion on Weiner Street, 12 near popular Shopping Center Uspensky at the beginning of October of this year. The multimedia project by means of panoramic animation of "live cloths" tells about life and tragic death of the last Russian emperor and his family. Within 30 minutes on huge multimedia screens pictures of the known artists devoted to the monarch and his family are broadcast. At only exhibition 10 pictures and two photos from life of an imperial family were shown.

"Through artistic images of the pictures "moving" on a panorama by means of animation, we will show simplicity inherent in an imperial family, accuracy, modesty, sincerity, sensitivity, responsibility, friendliness and cheerfulness. Are employed artists: Serova Valentina, Ryzhenko Pawel, Laurits Tuksen, Pierre Alber Dewan, Jean-Batista-Eduarda Detalla, Pchelin Vladimir", - it was spoken in the announcement of these exhibitions.

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