Gordon Catherina rose in defense of the daughter Shukshina Vasiliya

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Katia Gordon
Gordon Catherina //Photo: Sotsseti
Olga Shukshina wants to sell a share in the apartment of mother
Shukshina Olga wants to sell a share in the apartment of mother //the Photo: Sotsseti

Imushchestvennyye disputes Fedoseeva Lydia - Shukshina Vasiliya and her daughters Zakhartsova Olga proceed. Recently the actor Sadalsky Stanislas spoke negatively to the successor, having noted that she allegedly demands 15 million rubles from aged mother. Users of social networks scarified behavior Zakhartsova Olga, without having tried to understand a situation.

the Star lawyer Gordon Catherina who keeps legal agency, decided to specify, which sum Shukshina Vasiliya demands. "Due to the next slanderous performances of mister Sadalsky Stanislas to our client, Shukshina Olga, we consider it necessary to explain that "kind relatives" in an assessment of the sum of its lawful share of the apartment many times, and, the only thing tried to deceive Zakhartsova Olga that she wants - to sell the share at the market cost because joint using housing is not possible. Supervises business one of our constant lawyers - Zakhartsova Olga. The help in property estimation of cost, the section, any judicial receivership proceeding", - noted Gordon Catherina.

Under the law, the person who owns a share in the apartment, has the full right to dispose of it as will want. If other family member on whom the part of property is also issued, wants to make something with all area of housing, he is obliged to sign the contract of purchase and sale of a share of his relative. Shukshina Olga.

Olga Shukshina
Shukshina Olga //Photo: The shot from programmy

Yeye mother Fedoseeva Lydia opposes such succession of events as does not want to leave the apartment which still got to her spouse Shukshina Vasiliya. Especially, not so long ago in the dwelling located near Alekseevskaya metro station, repair was made.

By the way, the conflict which has arisen round the Moscow apartment, worsened the relations of the successor and her mother, though to this case they were not considered as the ideal. Shukshina Olga admitted that receivership proceeding began with that Shukshina Lydia let to the apartment the granddaughter Ania, the daughter Mashi and not one, and with the husband. It was not pleasant to it. Shukshina Olga after the family conflict: "Mother, I soskuchilas!»

Napomnim, Sadalsky Stanislas reported that Fedoseeva Lydia called appraisers who declared that the room in the apartment costs no more than six million. This results from the fact that house not elite, and housing old.

Lidiya Fedoseyeva-Shukshina
Fedoseeva Lydia - Shukshina Vasiliya //the Photo: Fedoseeva Lydia - Shukshina Vasiliya in the apartment//the Photo: "LiveJournal" Stanislav Sadalsky