The cemetery under windows and huge minefields — everything that remained of a quarter of new buildings to Aleppo

@Pervyj kanal
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Glave the Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Sergey Lavrov John Kerry. Told about Syrie, including about a situation in east part Aleppo where terrorists were dug round.

Soon after that the Organization for prohibition of the chemical weapon declared that is ready to accept from Russian Federation tests of poison gases which fighters applied to Aleppo. Our military carefully collected everything and as earlier Sergey Lavrov spoke today, opportunity to deliver all materials in organization headquarters in The Hague was studied.

By the way, the facts of use of the chemical weapon extremist groups to Syrie, and also in Iraq confirmed already and the western experts. 52 attacks in two years, about it wrote American newspaper "The New York Times". Exceptional case when the West paid attention not mythical to "Assad's crimes", and the real chemical threat proceeding from terrorists.

To Aleppo, those quarters which the Syrian army already beat off, sappers survey meter behind meter in search of mines and the shells which have remained from fighters. To houses which already managed to be neutralized, people gradually come back. to

it it is necessary for p For happiness very little, do not notice neither ruins around, nor the soldier. Children of the Syrian war. In five years of operations they did not see almost anything, except ruin and deprivations. And now habitually help parents to look for with the destroyed apartments the escaped things.

the Syrian army freed the area 1070 a week ago. People come to check the housing. Though from many houses remained nothing. This area had to become an oasis in the southwest Aleppo. Sound new buildings, cheap housing. 1070 apartments therefore it and is called 1070. But because of the beginning of operations did not manage to occupy it. Here brought refugees from other areas - 40 000 people. But they were expelled by terrorists.

the Family Fouzi Suleyman once bought p here the apartment. But it was not succeeded to live in it - the third year wander from the area to the area.

"Before war we lived in the Old city, near fortress. When fighters attacked that quarter, we moved here, but again ran to the area Almidan. But they and there began to fire at us. We were again compelled to escape. When it will stop! " - Foziya Xavi speaks.

during war here. When the first attacks began, people simply could not take out a body of the lost relatives and soldiers. Buried directly under windows of houses. When fighters came, they profaned graves.

"Fighters opened with p graves and got bodies, especially soldiers of the Syrian army. They literally traded in some bodies or offered on an exchange. And others threw directly in the middle of the street", - Ali Khaled tells.

Now dzhikhadist far. But handing over positions, they equaled with the earth the whole quarters. When governmental armies here came, fighters began to bomb the area heavy artillery, rockets and used habitual tactics.

"Suicide bombers adjusted on the intersection mined BMP, trucks with explosive and a fuel truck. Explosion was such force that four houses developed as houses of cards", - the senior lieutenant of the Syrian governmental army Fouzi Suleyman tells.

In some quarters to come while it is dangerous - running away, fighters left hundreds mines traps, extensions, land mines. Mined practically each building. Governmental armies have to survey meter behind meter before people here will be able to return. There is no place though to come back - many buildings are destroyed.

the Sapper of the Syrian army Mahomed only came to service. A month ago was undermined in the mined tunnel - wound, fortunately, a lung. Here its crew found the disguised shell on the street - a trap for infantry where civilians almost pleased. It is impossible to take. The decision to blow up on a place is made. People take away on safe distance. Such shells here find every day tens.

"We found p a huge number manual self-made min. The round mine is used against armored vehicles, and also a mining of residential quarters in case of break of governmental army. Operated mine - the most dangerous that fighters use, them established on entrances to houses", - the senior lieutenant of the Syrian governmental army, the sapper Mahomed explains.

For long months of blockade fighters turned residential quarters into system of well strengthened weapon emplacements and underground bunkers. They need to be secured and returned here life.

Sergey Lavrov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
John Kerry
Main activity:Politician
Халед Али
Last position: Lawyer
Fouzi Suleyman
Prozorov Yvan