Books "Round the World under the Russian Flag" arrived to Samara

@Volga N'jus
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of 60 copies of this book published by DETGIZ publishing house with support of Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro" within the All-Russian charitable event "Present to the child the book! ", are already received by regional children's library.

Russkiye round-the-world expeditions added the bright page to history of domestic fleet. They proved that the Russian officers and sailors — the remarkable seamen, able to overcome difficulties of ocean swimmings. The round-the-world expeditions interfaced to considerable difficulties and dangers, became school of education of shots of navy. About historical value of similar swimmings the well-known Russian admiral Makarov Stepan wrote p to


"Names of unforgettable researchers: Kruzenshtern Aleksey, Lisyansky Youri, will pass Sarychev, Golovnin, Kotzebue, Bellingshausen, Wrangel and Litke into the future generation. By the fragile ships our scientific seamen made the courageous travel and, crossing oceans in the different directions, found and studied new, yet not experienced countries. Inventories and shootings which they made, and on this time serve for the management to seafarers, and remarks and their manuals are quoted by sailing directions of all nations. Yes works of these researchers by a precious precept of grandfathers will serve the grandsons, and yes will find in them the future generations of our seamen an example of service of science".

about the first Russian round-the-world travel have some

of Editions and, generally it is the scientific works, memorable books, atlases. And books which would acquaint with brave pioneers of children — units.

the Book "Round the World under the Russian Flag" — is the story about the first global cruise of the Russian seamen in 1803-1806 by the ships "Hope" and "Neva" under command of "Fleet of Lieutenant commanders" Kruzenshtern Yvan and Lisyansky Youri and is devoted to significant date of our history — to the 170 anniversary of basis of the Russian geographical society. The edition is prepared on the basis of the book of the geographer Nevsky Vladimir "The first travel of Russians round the world", leaving from 1946 to 1953 in the Leningrad office of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "PUBLISHING HOUSE "DETSKAYA LITERATURA". The first edition was based on diary records of participants of expedition. Kruzenshtern Aleksey — the publisher, the lineal descendant of one of heroes of the book — Kruzenshtern Yvan.

Who it already read p, assure: it not the book — an album! Not stories — adventures! Not history — history of opening!

according to the director of "DETGIZA" Nasonova Alla, the book "Round the World under the Russian Flag" gives to the young reader unique opportunity to like romanticism of distant wanderings, to endure pleasure of opening of new lands together with the Russian seamen, to understand and feel, what difficulties they faced and as overcame them.

the Interesting text is supplied with color illustrations of the artist Plaksin Davide and the famous marine painter Pen Sergei.

on December 1 within the program of Uniform methodical day for heads and specialists of the state and municipal libraries Samara region will take place an exhibition presentation "New children's books from Open joint-stock company "Federalnaya gidrogeneriruyushchaya kompaniya - RusHydro". On it each children's library will receive the "Round the World under the Russian Flag" edition as a gift.

Makarov Stepan
Kruzenshtern Yvan
Lisyansky Youri
Nevsky Vladimir
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water
Russian geographical association