Northerners Belaya Anna and Borshchov Georgy took yesterday "silver" on "Hibinsky race"

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Murmansk region. Yesterday the first day of the All-Russian competitions "Hibinsky Race" took place. Skiers overcame distances in 5 and 10 km classical style.

Among men winners became:

1 place - Andrey Kruglov (Kaluga region)

2 a place - Borshchov Georgy (Murmansk region)

3 a place - Shishpanov Alexander (Saint Petersburg).

Among women:

1 place - Mikhaylova Olga (Tver region)

2 a place - Belaya Anna (Murmansk region)

3 a place - Neustroeva Anna (Murmansk region).

Besides medals and diplomas the best athletes were awarded by monetary certificates which could be cashed on a venue of competitions.

Today at stadium at "Tirvas" passes one more stage "Hibinsky race" free style among men and women, reports IPKA "Avalanche" to

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