Hypocrisy in Saudi: as in Riyadh Donald Trump reacted to a victory

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Donald Trump
Donald Trump

To Saudi Arabia were categorically against Donald Trump and made the same annoying mistake, as well as all the others: offended the billionaire, being sure that that never will head the state most powerful in the world …

On the eve of elections in United States of America, the Arab center of political researches (ACRPS) conducted big survey to reveal who from candidates for a post of President of the United States of America is supported by Arabs. Considering that the headquarters of the center settles down in Doha (Qatar), results of research did not surprise me.

3600 respondents took part In poll from nine Arab countries, such as Province of Alger, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Morocco, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Governorate of Tunis and Jordan.

As for Saudi Arabia, there Clinton were supported by more than 60% of respondents. It is difficult to present, what shock and a panic was caused by results of the American vote in Riyadh. But the course is made, and now the whole world held breath, watching how Donald Trump will answer.

the Fear to lose everything that was saved up for years of lie, bloodshed, meanness and treachery, in KSA (and not only there) is greatest to what how sharply the rhetoric concerning Donald Trump after elections there was changed testifies.


For example, here, that in December of last year were written on the page in Twitter by the Saudi prince Al-Waleed ibn Talal Al Saod (The member of the Saudi royal family, the nephew of the present king Salman, the businessman and the international investor): "You dishonor not only Republican Party, but also all . Leave presidential race, you all the same never will win".

on November 9 this year the prince wrote to p the following: "Whatever were last disagreements, told the word. My congratulations and the best regards"

the king Saudi Arabia one of the first congratulated Donald Trump on a victory in spite of the fact that until recently the billionaire called "the enemy of Islam", and from local bookstores books of the American magnate were withdrawn.

the crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef and his receiver the prince Mohammed bin Salman hastened to Lick boots Donald Trump both. And the Saudi journalists and known bloggers suddenly found out that there is nothing bad in the new President of the United States of America, and the relations between Washington D.C. and Riyadh will develop magnificent.

Here a fragment from article of the Saudi journalist Amdzhada al-Munifa in the edition Riyadh: "I do not want to draw hasty conclusions. But we remember how rejoiced to coming to power to United States of America Obama. Now I can tell with confidence that the American citizens are disappointed with the period of its presidency and its party after United States of America were dishonored in foreign policy. Obama also did not keep promises of rather domestic policy. Americans do not want one more Obama in the person of Clinton, they any more do not want decline …".

Something similar appears and in other Saudi editions. There islamofobsky statements write off Donald Trump became not only a crucial event in life of and the whole world, but also a good acid test which Saudi Arabia did not pass. The elite of the kingdom showed the involvement, dependence, meanness and cowardice.

Abbas Dzhuma - the journalist foreign affairs specialist (Syrie)

the Source: adjuma.ru