Effigy of a crocodile and carpet. Installation about the person in a landscape of things is represented by OkNo gallery

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Chelyabinsk, news agency "Dostup"

B Chelyabinsk installation of Landscape of the Chelyabinsk artist Bogomolova Anastasiya – about acceptance and judgment of others life experience through things opened. As from usual moving the real exhibition can turn out, the correspondent of news agency "Dostup" found out.

"About LOVE"

the Exposition compactly settled down in two and a half rooms which on an idea of the author are uniform installation (spatial composition from various elements which embodies one art plan. – Comment of news agency "Dostup"). Actually the viewer will see big photos in which the girl poses in an environment of a huge number of things, and also subjects from these pictures, placed on a floor.

the First room – a huge carpet on a wall, wooden figurines of the African animals, fish the fugue in a round aquarium, and also large-format photos of the author among books, footwear and garden gnomes.

the Second room – a heap of packages from under the garbage, filled with things on which the mummy of the crocodile, a similar heap – at an opposite wall sits, and it smoothly flows in a photo where the girl lies on a magnificent bed in the company of the same effigy.

In the third room connecting two others, in air suspended a table on which the girl (author) surrounded with circles, by cups and teapots is represented.

to the Unprepared person can seem that the author is simply photographed with things and places them on a floor (probably, all indeed), but according to the author, actually it is result of personal experiences – Bogomolova Anastasiya gathered recently with the husband, and his prophetic family fell upon it a lot of. This work about acceptance of others life experience and its judgment. The author tries "to fit" into others landscape. As Bogomolova Anastasiya, for her personally this installation – "about love" noted.

To acquaintance with installation is advised to read about the author and an exposition for the best understanding.


the Exposition is so small that to allocate any special subjects of sense has no, especially considering that installation should be perceived as a uniform plan.


However, the most interesting objects it is possible to call – an effigy of a crocodile and a groundless table with the ware pasted to it, however for understanding of idea continuation of pictures is better to address to a photo, because things here more likely.



About the Landscape project and its author were told by the curator of an exhibition Shlyapnikova Svetlana.

"Installation is created by p for a certain space, and all subjects in it are integrated by uniform sense is not an exhibition from separate works, and uniform work where elements, interacting, create meanings. Bogomolova Anastasiya began with the photo, but was beyond photographic projects and, obviously, proved as the artist who very well feels space and does installations. Today she is an artist with high potential which can work in different forms of the modern art. Bogomolova Anastasiya reached good positions as the artist – it is successfully exposed on platforms Russian Federation, and ", – Shlyapnikova Svetlana noted.


according to edition of news agency "Dostup", is very specific exhibition which will be interesting to not all. It is worth visiting an exposition to fans of installations and the modern art as a whole, and also to girls who gathered recently with the partners in life. For the others the exhibition gives ample opportunities for a photo (as a background – a carpet and a crocodile). It is just necessary to know history of creation of installation, will understand differently a message it is problematic. In general, this exhibition is a result of especially personal experiences which will be clear to the people who have tested something similar. Let's add that the exposition looks quite desert, and its viewing should not take a lot of time.

Pluses: it is original, cheap (Pay What You Want – Pay, how many you want), it is possible to make unusual photos.

Minuses: for a narrow circle of judges, too compactly, there is a risk not to understand sense.


the Exhibition works with p till December 3, 2016 in gallery of the modern art of "OkNo" to the address: Sonya Krivoy Street, 79-A (an entrance through Maneken studio theater). Operating time: Monday-Friday from 15.00 till 19.00, Saturday from 14.00 till 18.00. Entrance – Pay What You Want (Pay, how many you want).