Iran is ready to stop import of gasoline to the country shortly

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Iran will refuse gasoline import in 2017 Iran in 2017 plans to refuse gasoline import for the first time in 36 years, the executive head of National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) Kazemi Abbas whom the agency Shana quotes informed. About the 2016th import the given products already will end.

He also added that until the end of the year about 10-12 million liters of gasoline will be imported to the country a day, but for some time volumes of import will be reduced to 4.5-5 million liters a day. For today purchases fell to 4,5 million liters a day.

He added that the draft of the budget the next year does not provide any budgets for gasoline import, and any bill will not be submitted to Majlis (parliament) for licensing of import of gasoline.

B Iran some projects on oil processing prepare for start.

in the Spring of next year in Iran will bring in operation two new oil refineries (oil refinery): Abbas Bandar (Bandar Abbas) and Lavan (Lavan), notes agency. Thus, Iran will manage to provide with gasoline domestic market in full.

Iran will stop gasoline import in 2017