Deputy of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: we have to seek for complex development of northern territories

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opened Today the XI specialized exhibition conference "SEVTEK-2016: Northern fuel and energy complex-2016" . to

the Main scope of an exhibition conference this year. Main goal of action – discussion and development of decisions on modernization and overcoming of wear of systems electro - and heat supplies, development of power infrastructure of area.

of "SEVTEK" - a traditional platform for interaction of authorities and business, discussion of problems in power. For the first time event is held on other platform and in other format. Now it is the exhibition conference more directed on professional community", - the president of the Union of industrialists and businessmen noted Murmansk region Veller Sergei.

Within "SEVTEK-2016" planned carrying out Investment power fair Murmansk region and round tables concerning a heat supply, information openness of housing and communal services, staffing of power branch, etc. Suppliers and consumers of energy resources of the region, suppliers of branch gathered on one platform to exchange experience, to discuss problems and to find solutions.

"Russian Federation with its huge base of resources is difficult to overestimate the strategic importance of the Arctic zone. We have to seek for complex development of northern territories, development of science and technologies, ensuring ecological safety, in ", - the first deputy chairman of Committee State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on power Sergei Yesyakov transferred.

Sergei Borisovich Veller
Last position: President (SPP MO (ROR))
Sergei Yesyakov
Last position: Deputy, first deputy chairman of Committee on power (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)