Both Jay, and Shved Aleksey. "Khimki" wins against "Yenisei" an ending

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Leaders of team situated near Moscow would make a decisive contribution to a victory over Krasnoyarsk "Yenisei" in the main match of a week-end in League of PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB" becomes "Yenisei". By tradition in Krasnoyarsk did without loud acquisitions in inter-season period, having thus left at a wheel of the Russian expert Okulov Oleg . At least, on season start it brings result:
"Yenisei" already has div on the account of a victory over "Nizhny Novgorod" and "Locomotive Kuban", and to reporting a victorious series of Krasnoyarsk citizens totaled three matches.

After the ambiguous debut games "Khimki" also found the rhythm, having won four victories in a row. Especially rivals of team situated near Moscow in Euro cup were not lucky: after "Alba" (72:102) "Bilbao" came to hand of wards of Ivanovich (72:91). The Montenegrin still looks for ideal working combinations and complains about failures in certain pieces , however it is necessary to recognize that after a serious reshuffle of structure and Shved Aleksey his team really looks better. Successful series, good form and intermediate stay in the first five of both teams did a Sunday match in Khimki central in a week-end.
Two losses, one foul and some minutes spent for debugging of the counter of 24 seconds – to players of start, in fact, was necessary to be warmed by div anew. Zavoruev Vasilii , the opened account in a match "tryokhy", helped to catch fans of "Yenisei". Inhabitants of Khimki first from a distant distance did not differ also the first reason for pleasure of local drummers of steel two of penalties Monya Sergei . Basketball players of "Yenisei" did not begin to look for difficult decisions, often and quite successfully
of the Next native of NBA in a yellow-blue form met a liquid applause – too heavy there was a provision of a favorite team, and to fans of "Khimki" Evans Geremy were obvious not to a debut.
attacking from perimeter. "Khimki" worked more aggressively: especially Shved Aleksey, to a descent of the gathered 8 points (15:12) tried. Gradually a way to "paint" groped also "big" "Yenisei". The last three minutes both teams ran off practically empty: the only points Vladislav Trushkin
– 16:21 gathered Trushkin Wladyslaw were obvious not to a debut . Already some possession later the beginner were delivered by a productive barrier to Monya Sergei, caused a stir from a distant distance, and before fulfilled in protection then the "tryokhu" was put by Bungu-Kolo – at "Khimki" departed (30:34). The ending managed to be taken away to nobody: Shved Aleksey and Zavoruev Vasilii exchanged pricks from a distant distance – 35:38.
the Second half began div practically under a carbon paper of the first: at first breakthrough 8:2 was issued by Koshcheev and Taylor, and then the answer from Rowland's , Monya Sergei and Shved Aleksey , hammered from above in a separation – Okulov Oleg shows to
Successful series, a good form and intermediate stay in the first five of both teams did a Sunday match in Khimki central in a week-end.
to a judicial little table the most known gesture in basketball (46:48). Rowland's penalties led game to parity, and in the following possession Monya Sergei for the first time in a match removed "Khimki" forward – 51:50. The expected change in favor of team above a class did not occur. Both those, and others were finally closed in defense, and to the forefront at the end of a quarter there were children "burning out paint": Evans Geremy and Elegar were gathered by points practically alone – 55:53.
Fight on each square meter and basketball with incredibly low interest of hit from game – it was simple to br to guess character of the last 10 minutes. Two "tryokhi" in succession from the most productive as a part of "Khimki" Monya Sergei and Shved Aleksey, apparently, gave the necessary impulse, but already a minute later "Yenisei" thanks to the next distant hit Zavoruev Vasilii and to Elegar's penalty approached again closely – 61:59.

the Third attempt to clean from a way of the importunate rival was made by Shved Aleksey. But at Shved Aleksey the long-range weapon therefore one more leader of "Khimki" hastened to come to the rescue at all refused. And Jay, in time collecting fouls on himself with a frightening regularity, realized 5 penalties from 6, having put "Yenisei" in very difficult situation, considering that by that moment Krasnoyarsk citizens could hammer some minutes nothing from game. After the next single campaign towards a ring of "Khimki" guests leave Shved Aleksey one in a corner – "tryokha" from a corner brings to its team the first two-digit advantage in a match – 69:59.

Should paying tribute to players of "Yenisei" — they after all found forces to finish wrestling till the end and forced all participants of a match to be late to a final siren. Elegar battled on a board already to three rivals and all the same won – 69:64. His partner on frontkortu Souleymane Braymokh could reduce lag at all to one throw, get itself from a distant distance, but as a result the callous zero Nigerian because of an arch did not change on encouraging unit. "Khimki" pulls out a match on a class and prolongs the victorious series – 72:64.

Head coach of "Yenisei" Okulov Oleg:
"Good game turned out, especially for the audience. If to speak about result, it for us turned out unsatisfactory though if to look at our structure and structure of "Khimki", selection of players at the rival
Fight on each square meter and basketball with incredibly low interest of hit from game – it was simple to guess character of the last 10 minutes.
is objectively stronger. Nevertheless my team well fulfilled today, complaints on devotion are not present. A number of unconstrained mistakes and losses together with individual skill of basketball players of "Khimki" predetermined a duel outcome".

Head coach of "Khimki" Dushko Ivanovich:
""Yenisei" has very good team, and they delivered us many problems in the first half. Their snipers and game on boards became the real problem. After a big break we managed to change approach to game, we at last began to be protected as it is necessary. In the first half we had problems with position attack, points were given hardly. In the second I asked players to accelerate, and it worked".
Vasilii Zavoruev
Aleksey Shved
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (LLC "Professional basketball club "Tsska")
Sergei Aleksandrovich Monya
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (LLC "BEER AND NONALCOHOLIC DRINKS PLANT "KHIMKI")
Geremy Evans
Last position: The professional athlete on basketball (ASSOCIATION "BQ "KHIMKI CITY")
Okulov Oleg
красноярский "Енисей"