2009. About festivals, cultural shock and dreams

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For the first two months which have passed from the date of opening of the twelfth theatrical season, the Center of dramatic art and direction Kazantsev Aleksey and Roshchin Mikhail was in time:
• to participate in four festivals;
• to provoke cultural shock in Omsk;
• to master, equip and open for the audience new (absolutely chamber) space in own house on Running;
• to blaze the road on the Moscow scene to plays of the young Ekaterinburg author Pulinovich Jaroslaw. In September "Skin and the sky" according to the play Dinev Dimitr directed by the director from Bulgaria Borislava Chakrinova it was shown at the XI International theatrical festival "On Brega" in the Bulgarian Burgas. At the beginning of October the performance "Yes I Want yes" according to the novel Joyce James "Ulysses" directed by Bagdasarov Aleksey participated in a theatrical festival of solo performances of "Solo". On October 23 performance "The story about the captain Kopeykin" according to the story Gogol Nicholas directed by Aleksey Dubrovsky became the participant of theatrical and television review "Gogol Nicholas today". And literally the VII International festival "Young Theatres Russian Federation" which were taking place in Omsk at the end of October - the beginning of November the other day summed up the results. Present performance "Life became "cultural shock" for residents of Omsk it worked well" according to the play Pryazhko Pawel directed by Ugarov Mikhail and Gatsalov Marat. As the journalist Alexander Petrovich Samsonov in the festival newspaper "Antrakt" wrote, "Us warned. And in an aaplet it was told: children till 16 years are not recommended to look. And the director before display explained: the play extreme, is a lot of offensive language if in a hall there are intolerant people, they have time to release places for others. But all of us were equally not ready. Because the stylistics of the text were related to a known joke: in army do not use foul language, in army a mat talk". Some of the audience did not sustain and left a hall. The others, according to the same journalist, "having endured throughout performance disgust, sympathy, horror and pity at the same time, in the final felt not simply cultural shock, but also a catharsis – clarification through torture".
the Jury of a festival estimated joint statement of the Center of dramatic art and direction and Teatra.Doc the special prize "For Development of the Modern Play".
the first audience were accepted on November 8 by the new chamber hall "Scenes on Running" of the Center of dramatic art and direction. Exactly here passed prepremier displays "Natashiny dream" - the performance put by Zheno Georg on the play Pulinovich Jaroslaw. For the young Ekaterinburg playwright, the schoolgirl Kolyada Nicholas Nikolay Kolyada is the first statement at the Moscow theater. For the young actress Pronina Anastasiya Anastasia Pronina , Natasha playing a role, – the first big role on a professional scene. The premiere of performance will take place on November 15. But, judging by the first responses, "Natashin the dream" has every chance to become an event of a current theatrical season.

on December 11 in the Center of dramatic art and direction one more event – birthday will take place. By tradition it it will be noted by display of the legendary performance "Moscow-the open city" and, as always, a noisy meeting of all those playwrights, directors, actors who were opened by the Center according to the mission - "to give the chance to young theatrical figures to prove, realize the plans on the Moscow scene". And until now it remains the main mission of the Center. Confirmation to that is the majority of premieres of last theatrical season and the first premiere present!