The government Vietnam decided to wait a little with nuclear power plant construction

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the Government Vietnam decided to wait a little with construction of the first nuclear power plants
In the next ten days deputies of National assembly Vietnam - the country supreme legislative body - have to define destiny of earlier approved construction plans at itself nuclear power units.

of the American American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal", and after it and some other mass media hastened to report about it with such accent, as if official Hanoi "refuses the nuclear project with Moscow". Actually, to Russian Federation, to State corporation "Rosatom", to ASE Group as to the national operator from the Russian side at the Vietnamese partners no claims are present. And there is, alas, an internal reality - decrease in rates of economic growth and, as a result, updating of forecasts of power consumption. we Will remind p to

that in 2009 the same National assembly from giving of the government Vietnam ratified the plan for construction of two nuclear power plants to Province of Ninh Thuan. It was a question of the nuclear power plant "Nintkhuan-1" according to the Russian project and "Nintkhuan-2" from four power units on 1000 MWt which the consortium of the international development of nuclear energy intended to build Japan JINED - with its subsequent transfer to property and under Vietnam Electricity company management.

the Nintkhuan-1 Project provides two power units with VVER reactors with a power up to 1200 MWt everyone. On their construction the Russian state credit of 8 billion dollars was promised Vietnam the deputy head State corporation "Rosatom" Komarov Kirill let know that at the request of the Vietnamese new terms of commissioning of the first block of station are considered 2027-2028. Earlier Vietnamese mass media reported that considerable shifts of the declared terms are dictated by "features of the Vietnamese legislative procedures".

I now new information - allegedly about full cancellation of the construction project of the nuclear power plant in Vietnam. The formal notice in this respect in State corporation "Rosatom", in the Russian Embassy in Hanoi did not receive. And it is quite explainable, Gusev Leonid from the Analytical center of MGIMO (At) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation considers.

- Vietnam planned to build the first nuclear power plant with Russian Federation, the second - with Japan, - the expert speaks. - Consultations about possible construction of the third nuclear power plant - already with South Korea were in addition conducted. Therefore to say now that the Vietnamese party "refuses the project with Russian Federation", quite misleading. It is a question of possible revision of plans in the sphere of creation of national nuclear power, and they are caused by exclusively internal factors. If few years ago we observed acceleration of economic growth, today it was slowed down. In this regard power consumption grows not such fast rates as expected the country leaders, so, and the acute shortage of the electric power yet does not threaten Vietnam, in 2011-2015 in Vietnam average economic height made about 5,84 percent while expected higher rates - up to 7 percent. Last month the government reduced the planned growth rates the current year with 6,7 to 6,3-6,5 percent.

according to Gusev Leonid, it is impossible to dismiss and that circumstance that Vietnam as well as other countries beginners in development of peace atom yet did not create for this purpose necessary infrastructure, did not bring legislative base. And without it it is impossible to begin construction. After all even to estimate correctness of a choice of a platform, observance of necessary requirements, in the country the nuclear regulator has to be created, professional shots have to be prepared. All this while in Vietnam is not present.

- But at all does not mean that will not be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, - Gusev Leonid concludes. - Therefore I believe that projects on construction of nuclear power plants in Vietnam can be postponed, instead of are cancelled.

Leak about the nuclear power plant in the Vietnamese mass media and article American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" appeared almost at the same time with the message on start in operation of large hydroelectric power station to Laytyau's Vietnamese Province of Lai Chau on border with China. Construction of the last, the third, turbines was complete for a year before the planned term. But even without this obvious interrelation Kondratyev Sergei from Fund "IEF" points to that circumstance that at Vietnam "can be temptation to postpone or for a while to freeze" start of the nuclear project. Reason for that and low growth of power consumption, and rather cheap Indonesian coal.


- But in long-term prospect, - are declared by Kondratyev Sergei, - Vietnam will return to the nuclear project. Present possible refusal is represented more tactical decision, a certain answer to economic stagnation and monetary deficiency in the country. Vietnam still will return to a question of diversification of the power supply system. And that situation that developed now, can use for strengthening of own negotiation positions in dialogue with potential partners in the project.

Why exorcized, what Vietnam refuses a construction of the nuclear power plant together with State corporation "Rosatom"? It is a question and of the Japanese project too, as a whole, about power policy of the country. In a word, I consider that the decision this situational. Even if Vietnam will really make the decision to refuse implementation of the project now, in the future it in this or that look all the same will return to it.

we Will add p to told that the portfolio of orders State corporation "Rosatom" from the Vietnamese pause if it happens, will not grow thin at all. Number of already signed contracts including on the Asian direction from year to year grows. At the beginning of November the basic agreement with China is reached upon a construction in Heavenly Empire new power units of the nuclear power plant according to the Russian projects that compensates hypothetical losses and will fix positions of the Russian nuclear scientists in the east.


As the press attache of embassy Russian Federation in Hanoi Belov Eugenie reported to p Information company "RIA Novosti", all questions concerning the nuclear power plant, pass through National assembly Vietnam. Vote there expect on November 21. "According to official information, the question of refusal of construction before parliament is not necessary, - the diplomat declared. - Probably, on this vote the question of transfer of terms" will be raised.
