The Russian actor struggles with the mother-in-law for the apartment
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Kayurov Leonid. Photo: from series "The Investigation Is Carried by Experts"
the Star of the movie "The Investigation Is Carried by Experts" Kayurov Leonid told a shot about a drama situation in a family. According to the actor, the mother-in-law wants to select at him the apartment.

the Star guest of transfer of Malakhov Andrey "Let is told" there was an actor Kayurov Leonid. The actor became famous after an exit to TV screens of movies "The Investigation Is Carried by Experts" and "Small Tragedies". However actor's career Kayurov Leonid was short. In 1985 Kayurov Leonid left a profession and became the priest.

Now about the actor again exorcized, but already thanks to drama history which occurs in life Kayurov Leonid. More than 35 years Kayurov Leonid is married to the actress to Korytnikova Irina. However now the woman has multiple sclerosis, and for several last years is chained to a wheelchair.

In spite of the fact that Kayurov Leonid carefully watches and looks after the spouse, the family Korytnikova Irina considers necessary to discharge Kayurov Leonid and to employ the nurse for his wife. Kayurov Leonid categorically against such turn of events. There was a conflict. Kayurov declared p to

Kayurov Leonid simply wants to deprive of it a living space." Suddenly the mother-in-law to mind was come by idea to take control of the three-room apartment. When I was not at home, having used helplessness Korytnikova Irina, it stole its passport and documents on the apartment. Plans were that to kidnap Korytnikova Irina, to appoint by her the trustee. The plan was not fated to come true, I bethought in time. Addressed in police, made withdrawal, a search, however, all this was through resistance", – Kayurov Leonid told.

the Man reported that now to it insults and threats regularly arrive from relatives of the wife. Then Kayurov Leonid decided to replace locks and even was spent for installation of security system.

the Mother-in-law presented to p the point of view on a difficult situation. Korytnikova Kira declared that it it is offended by words of the son-in-law though she simply worries for a condition of the daughter, on which that is important, and the ill-fated apartment is written down. Korytnikova Kira explained that simply does not want that foreign people got the apartment:

"It declares that I am a thief. I gave the apartment to it, giving presented – and I am a thief! I so arrive because I do not want that he brought someone, and the apartment went to strangers"

the Audience to studios were puzzled with a question why the priest Kayurov Leonid who by definition should not worry about earthly blessings, suddenly so seized the apartment. Kayurov Leonid answered that simply is afraid to remain without roof over the head.

A here the mother-in-law put forward the version." I was called by the neigbour and speaks: at Kayurov Leonid someone appeared. How I will visit Korytnikova Irina. Let's note that verbal fights of the mother-in-law and the son-in-law to anything did not lead.

Author: Aryaeva Natalia
Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov
Last position: The co-producer conducting on Russia-1 channel (VGTRK)
Leonid Kayurov
Last position: The deacon in the temple Arkhistratiga of God's Mikhail at Clinics on the Maiden field
Korytnikova Irina
Korytnikova Kira
Aryaeva Natalia