The Armenian salt looks for an exit from the deadlock

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The answer have to find both state, and interstate, Euroasian, bodies

Salt Almost any decision of the Russian authorities on introduction of sanctions at any import foodstuff causes to Armenia enthusiasm. In the local public try to inspire that before the Armenian cheese, vegetables or fruit the huge sales market opens. Results of these verbal manipulations very modest though on some positions a certain progress is noted.

I the salt turn here came. It is known that since November 1 the resolution Government of the Russian Federation about a ban of its import from the countries which practice the anti-Russian sanctions came into force. The volume of their annual deliveries, generally Ukraine, exceeded 500 thousand tons that makes about 40% of requirements Russian Federation in food salt. It gave a reason to the Armenian television and other mass media, to make bravura " Armenia at demand for salt from the countries Euroasian economic union is ready to increase capacities several times".

Now we will analyse p, about what production, and at the same time and export capacities there is a speech.

Yes, in recent years the republic completely provides to p itself with salt. But so was not always. To relatives some kilogram packs of table salt as this product here entered category of the scarce were considered not shameful to bring only half a century to Yerevan back. The problem was solved by geologists who during petroprospecting works in passing opened a huge Avansky salt field rather the whole Priyerevansky saliferous pool with stocks in some billion tons. On its base on the suburb of the capital of the republic in 1967 started solekombinat which on foreseeable prospect removed a problem of deficiency of the production.

Avansky's Power solekombinata is estimated by p at 100 thousand tons per year, but used far not completely. According to National statistical service Armenia (see tab. 1), in 2000 here was got 30 thousand tons, in peak the 2012th — nearly 38 thousand tons. The customs reporting testifies that in the best years 15−16% of made production, and practically in one direction — were exported to Georgia.

Table 1


Production, t

Export, t

Import, t


30,0 thousand.

Data are not present

Data is not present


35 579,4

5 623,0

3 226,4


37 797,9

5 713,5

3 609,4


30 785,9

2 517,1

3 249,4


29 792,8

1 063,1

2 629,4


27 392,2


3 902,5

January-June 2016

12 703,2



Istochnik: Reports of National statistical service of Republic of Armenia and Customs service of Committee on state revenues at Government of the Republic of Altai .

But in recent years a situation sharply worsened. According to Avansky solekombinata, neighbors passed to the Ukrainian salt and as it is offensive, left the traditional suppliers with a nose. As a result the volume of export of the Armenian salt following the results of last year fell in comparison with 2012 more than by 42 times or to insignificant 134,5 tons, and in relation to Georgia for the same three-year interval of time fell off with 5667 to 65 tons or by 87 times (!) . Even the indicator far Switzerland in 2015 was higher Georgian and made 66 tons. Probably, it is necessary to thank for it syrodelov the Alpine republic.

On this sad background we will address to prospects of the Armenian-Russian "salt" cooperation. After embargo introduction among potential suppliers of salt to Russian Federation the president of the Salt of Russia company Cherkasov Stanislas, along with such giants as China, India, Kasakhstan, politically correct designated and Armenia. Official representatives of the Armenian party while had enough step not to respond to the invitation, having given to journalists opportunity to talk profusely on this matter. Otherwise officials would appear in the situation, being characterized a saying "where a horse with a hoof, there and a cancer from claws".

Grant, is not subject to doubt that the most competent specialist in a considered problem is the long-term president of JSC Avansky solekombinat Gukasyan Areg. According to him, Armenia does not export salt to Russian Federation because of high transportation costs. "To Russian Federation one railway car with salt we have to pay about 10 thousand dollars for delivery, but contents of this car of such money are not necessary" — Gukasyan Areg told.

Here it is a high time for p to remember one more Russian saying claiming that "overseas a telushka — a half-ear and ruble transportation".

the Subject could consider by

settled, if not the paradox found in the reporting of Customs service Armenia. That the republic-soleproizvoditel itself imports solid quantity of this product, can be carried to costs of free economy. Apparently from table 2, among main suppliers not only Ukraine and the next neighbors — Iran with Turkey, but also Russian Federation.

Table 2. Import of salt to Armenia, t





Russian Federation


2 306,1




January-June 2016





Istochnik: Reports of Customs service of Committee on state revenues at Government of the Republic of Altai .

Then that for the Russian salt transportation to Armenia costs much cheaper, than a counter route for the Armenian. How cheaper, it was not succeeded to find out.

to Solve a problem in which from change of places composed the sum, to Avansky solekombinatu not in power changes. The answer have to find both state, and interstate, Euroasian, bodies. To mutual advantage Armenia and Russian Federation.

Melkumyants Areg
