In Ufa at a memorial evening of the Reef of Tuigong the presentation of his new book will take place

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Ufa, 7 Nov, 2016. /IA "Bashinform", Aralbaeva Leila/.

Today, on November 7, in Ufa will remember the untimely deceased known Bashkir poet and the prose writer, the playwright and the public figure Rif Tuigong (1946-2014). In Bashkir Drama Theatre of a name of Mazhit Gafuri will pass evening of his memory "Uyatyra ashyty oyashty" — "Hastened to wake the sun", devoted to the 70 anniversary since birth. For the evening the widow of the writer and his colleague are invited.


As were reported by the director of evening Utyashev Khurmatulla, at the heart of the scenario — the page of life and creativity of the poet. In the dramatized evening actors of the Bashkir theater — Gazetdinova Ilsiyar, Gumerov Ildar, Buranbaeva Sarah, Zagitov Rauis, Khakimova Svetlana, Sagidulla Bayzigit and other performers will be involved. Also fellow countrymen of the writer — natives Orenburg region, known musicians, soloists of the first structure of popular group "Karavansaray" Tuygunov Amir and Tuktagulov Arthur will take part.

Within action planned also presentation of just left new book of the Reef of Tuigong "aynyr keshelry" — "By heart and soul I with you". The collection of verses is published in Kitap publishing house with an opening speech of the known writer and the scientist Shakur Rashit.

Entrance free, beginning at 19.00.

Leila Aralbaeva
Ildar Ibragimovich Gumerov
Last position: Actor (Gbukiya RB BATD named after M. Gafuri)
Sarah Buranbaeva
Main activity:Cultural worker
Svetlana Khakimov
Last position: Actress, singer