"Chinese will force us to move down from the country"

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As China Mikhail Bely
© Russian information company "URA.Ru"

Chinese. Guest workers. Agriculture. Archive 2007. Chelyabinsk. Chinese
Chinese actively develops Russian lands
Bely Mikhail Photo : Akhmetov Vadim © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

the Holiday of Day of national unity — a good occasion to reflect as far as Russian Federation is uniform today. That threatens integrity of the country why trade in the earth becomes a usual thing who took notice of our natural sights and whether we should be afraid of mass invasion of Chinese — in an author's column of the expert Regional information and analytical center STI, the political analyst Solonina Galina.

The other day in federal mass media there passed news: the memorandum of cooperation between one Irkutsk travel agency and several Chinese about creation of a tourist cluster of world level on Baikal is concluded. The declared volume of — 11 billion dollars. And if as a whole in the country news was met with optimism, to the most Irkutsk region it caused a wave of bewilderment and fears rather.

the Author of a column — the expert Regional information and analytical center STI Solonina Galina
Sotsialnaya set Facebook

The matter is that the region (as well as other east lands Russian Federation) already faced "the Chinese question". from business community of this friendly state we yet do not know examples of conscientious Now the Chinese business works with

in several sectors of economy Irkutsk region. It, first, forest branch: the vast majority of illegal sawmills belongs to the Chinese citizens, on them illegal workers-shift workers from China work. The wood which has been slightly processed to such state which allows to carry it to "timber", bestamozhenno infinite echelons goes to China. It is a problem.

For example, more than 50% of all illegal cabins are the share

of a share Irkutsk region (and working in it "the Chinese ") to Russian Federation. Tax return is absent, but there are forest fires (at the same time cause and effect of activity of black woodcutters), problems with a shallowing of a catchment basin of Baikal etc.

the Second point of the appendix of the Chinese business — agriculture. Where illegally established greenhouses of the Chinese agricultural technicians took place, now will grow nothing many decades — the earth is poisoned with chemicals. it is better not to tell

the Third sphere of the Chinese business — tourism. Chinese illegally create close companies: bring tourists, serve — settle in the hotels belonging to Chinese, feed at own restaurants, will organize "ekskursionka", godlessly muddling the Russian history, information on cultural and natural objects of display. Money thus again practically does not reach to the Russian regions, and anthropogenous loading — reaches …

To Irkutsk region already there were settlements where the power actually belongs to the Chinese businessmen.

Chinese. Guest workers. Agriculture. Archive 2007. Chelyabinsk. Chinese
the Chinese business quite comfortably feels on the Russian land
: Akhmetov Vadim © Russian information company "URA.Ru"

So, is on the river Irkut Shamank's village, to it there is no overland road, through the river it is necessary to be transported by the ferry or on the foot bridge. The ferry belongs to local logging enterprise, logging enterprise — to Chinese.

From this year is forbidden to be transported to locals on the ferry — timber carrying vessels (belonging to logging enterprise) and automobile transport — for a payment in 50 rubles from the car in one party can use it only.

the Local population already feels slightly awkwardly as though excessively long was late in the house sold to new owners.

, unfortunately, it is a lot of

of Such examples. Yes, in Irkutsk there are people who will tell: our tourist industry is not able to work, on Baikal everything is expensive and uncomfortable so let Chinese come and will make beautifully and cheap, as in China.

But today we will give to

tourism, the wood, agriculture. Tomorrow — the earth and a subsoil. Then — to move down?

We celebrate Day of national unity. Minin, Pozharsky, a national militia — it that ourselves put on a bozhnichka of the Russian ideology of the XXI century. In 1612 somehow carried by, the state remained though went to all pieces. But, maybe, we will apprehend it as a history lesson instead of how historical tradition and we will not begin to rely at random?

Galina Solonina
Last position: CEO (LLC "Konstantin Chaykin")
Akhmetov Vadim
Bely Mikhail
Regional information and analytical center