Yakushevsky Pawel became the second in sprint at the World Cup stage in cycling on a track to Region of Glasgow

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Moscow, 5 Nov - Agency Sports News 'R-sports'. the Russian Yakushevsky Pawel became the second in sprint at the first stage the World Cup on cycling on a track which there passes to Region of Glasgow

Yakushevsky Pawel on Friday in final arrival conceded to the Pole Kuchinsky Camyl. The third place was taken by the Ukrainian Vinokurov Andrey.

In man's team pursuit Russians Kovalev Eugenie, Kulikov Wladyslaw, Vinokurov Andrey Prostokshin and Rostovtsev Sergei could not reach the final, having conceded in the first round to Belgians. First place was won by representatives United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, French became second, and Canadians closed the three of prize-winners.

Female team pursuit were won by British. On the second place there were Italians, Frenchwomen became the third. Russians Averina Maria, Yegorova Darya, Klimova Diana and Studenikina Natalia could not reach the final, having taken a penultimate place in qualification.

In the keyrena the victory was won by Krupetskayte Simon from Lithuania. The Ukrainian Basova Lyubov became the second, the Australian Fild Kortni closed the three. The Russian Kiseleva Tatyana took the fifth place.

the Stage to Region of Glasgow will come to the end with p on Sunday.