Deputies paid attention to growth points in the sphere of developments museum business

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on November 3 the Minister of Culture of RT Sibagatullin Ayrat within Governmental hour with the report "About the museums and museum matter in Republic of Tatarstan" .

the report the Minister of Culture began br with a conclusion that today the museum – stopped being simple "storage of antiquities", carrying out function of preservation and preservation of a cultural heritage, but became object of cultural, social and tourist infrastructure.

B Republic of Tatarstan now 14 state museums having 43 structural divisions and 49 municipal museums with 43 structural divisions. In total – 149 museums. In 2015 from budgets Republic of Tatarstan was allocated with br for the maintenance of the state museums and memorial estates of 382 million 510 thousand rubles, thus the income of the museums from authorized and business activity made 77 million 796 thousand rubles.

Sibagatullin Ayrat reported that people began a thicket to go to the museums. Attendance of constant expositions and exhibitions the republic museums in 2015 in comparison with 2014 increased by 22 percent.

"Need to note that work on involvement of visitors is directly connected with development and an appropriate condition of museum infrastructure, – the Minister of Culture added. – In Republic of Tatarstan much attention" is paid to it. So, repair and restoration works in branches of National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan – the House museum Lenin V. I., Boratynsky Ye. A., A. M. Gorky's Literary and memorial museum are complete.

"The leading state museums and the museums reserves are active on the organization of joint exhibition projects with other museums of the country. Not each large city Russian Federation can brag of that subjects are exhibited at it from the Museum Louvre, Victoria and Albert's London museum, the State Hermitage, the State Russian Museum, from the Tretyakov gallery. Annually Kazan are presented to guests and inhabitants of not less than 10 large All-Russian and international exhibition projects receiving a huge public response", – Sibagatullin Ayrat paid attention.

"Importance of work on promoting of museum fund was noted by

and in "May decrees" President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, – the Minister of Culture noted. – For realization of the state social policy target indicators (indicators) of developments spheres of culture and the measures providing their achievement within execution of the plan of measures ("road map") in Republic of Tatarstan" were developed and entered.

the Minister of Culture of RT designated need of expansion of display areas and construction of specialized repositories. "Now the share of the museum subjects involved in active display, makes 13,5 percent, – he emphasized. – The acute shortage of exhibition space is observed concerning the National museum Republic of Tatarstan where a half of museum fund of the republic" is stored.

Further he told

that in the world practice of creation of online exhibitions ("the virtual museums") which promote public awareness of museum fund is often applied.
In the report Sibagatullin Ayrat noted work Ministry cultures Republic of Tatarstan and Republican Fund of revival of monuments of history and cultures of Republic of Tatarstan on implementation of the complex project "Cultural Heritage — the Island Hail Sviyazhsk and Ancient Bulgarians".

So, in 2016 in the territory of the Bulgarian memorial estate continued archaeological researches in the ancient settlement territory, restoration works on architecture monuments are conducted, new objects are under construction. Serious work on preparation of nomination materials for inclusion of a complex of monuments of orthodox architecture and spiritual culture "Assumption Cathedral and Trinity Church of Sviyazhsk" in the List of objects of the World heritage Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures is conducted.

Summing up the results, Sibagatullin Ayrat emphasized that the museum is a difficult system. "Here all is important: who meets the visitor who and as conducts the excursion, what exhibits are exposed and as they have to be stored. Life of such organism is possible only during the harmonious work of all levels of the power, both republican, and municipal. The state support given now should be considered as investments with the subsequent maximum return in qualitative and in a quantitative equivalent", – he told.

Then from deputies of parliament questions arrived. Isaeva Anastasia personnel policy and professional development of museum workers interested, and Khadeev Takhir told about "The museum of friendship of the people" in Baltasi district which suggested to expand. Lilia Mavrina the question of average to salary museum workers interested. Also questions were asked by deputies Giniyatov Khalil, Sozinov Aleksey and Vlasov Valery.

Summing up the results, the Chairman of the State Council Farid Mukhametshin noted that the numerous questions which have arrived from deputies say that in the sphere of developments museum business is to what to aspire. The head of an assignment gave an assignment to send to the Ministry of Culture the shorthand report of meeting of parliament for more detailed studying of the designated problems and offers.

Press service of State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan
Photo Danilov Andrey