To South Korea the 6th economic forum "Busan – the Far East Russian Federation" will take place

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Glavnaya a forum subject – cooperation in the fishery sphere.

on November 9 in Busan (South Korea) will take place the 6th economic forum "Busan – the Far East Russian Federation". At this annual forum which organizer are the Center of the Euroasian cooperation of Pusansky fund of the international exchange and administration of Busan, questions on cooperation between Busan and the Far East Russian Federation in the fishery sphere will be discussed.

according to WS Press, also at this forum will develop plans for participation of the South Korean companies in projects of creation of a fishing cluster in the Far East (construction of the refrigerating warehouses, processing plants, research complexes of sea biotechnology).

Order of performance of participants of a forum:

- Creation of a fishing cluster in the Far East and system of the state support (Sergey Lyapakh, the Representative of Rosrybolovstvo in South Korea)

- Development the business models directed on cooperation in the sphere of a fishing investment (Chiang of Sok Khong, the Scientific adviser of Research Center of fishery of the Korean sea institute)

- Current state of Russian-South Korean cooperation in the field of fishery and the plan of its expansion (Kang Ying-Gu, the Head of department of forwarding fishery of the Ministry of sea affairs and fishery South Korea)

And also within this forum will take place presentation on the subject "Investment into Khabarovsk", where the deputy mayor Khabarovsk Ganichev Dimitri and the Chairman of committee on investments Gromov Eugenie will acquaint other participants with a local investment condition, measures of support and privileges.

"Busan which is the largest center of fish branch in South Korea, needs advancing development of the market in comparison with China and Japan through investment cooperation with Far East regions Russian Federation" - was told by the head of the Center of the Euroasian cooperation Li Chkhol Chong.
