The effective lever for the bailiff

@Tjumenskie izvestija
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in the middle of October in the Tyumen science and technology park the judicial public Ural Federal District together with representatives of law enforcement agencies, sciences and bailiffs discussed the reasons of non-execution of judgments of world judges. The problem that citizens do not hurry to pay penalties.

Sushinskikh Anatoly.

before scientific and practical conference the chairman Regional court of Tyumen region Sushinskikh Anatoly told

to journalists that in ten months of this year 17 percent of the administrative decisions passed by world judges of the region were executed only. For the 2014th collected 28 percent of the imposed penalties, for the 2015th — 26 percent. In a money equivalent it is the enormous sum: so, last year for penalized persons the debt in 239 million rubles was formed. And it grows as a snowball.

All because today bailiffs have no effective levers which would allow to work to system of collecting penalties smoothly. In full penalties not only on administrative offenses, but even on criminal cases are not collected. It not only Tyumen, and All-Russian problem. As a whole in the country only one third of penalties is collected.

of the Absolute collecting of penalties is not present in one country of the world, but in absolute leaders — the states of continental Europe and United States of America where 90 percent are raised.

— If any judgments are not executed accurately and in time, it is difficult to speak about adjustment of the mechanism of work of "state machinery". And as though effectively today other branches of the power worked, non-execution of judgments brakes a way of developments the country and the region in particular — the governor Vladimir Yakushev declared, speaking at conference.

Vladimir Yakushev noted that according to statistical data every year on roads the countries the number of people correlated to number of inhabitants of the average Russian city perishes.

— At the same time people who make offenses two, three or more times, remain unpunished. As practice if they once took the wheel of being able alcoholic or drug intoxication and after that were not punished established by the law shows, they repeat it many times, yet will not deprive of someone life or will not be lost — it expressed confidence.

according to the head of the region, there is no sense to toughen punishment, lifting the sums of penalties while judgments are not executed. Punishment has to be inevitably.

Unfortunately, recently the service of bailiffs, as well as all executive authorities, underwent considerable reduction. And it at annual growth of civil and administrative cases by 10-20 percent.

— Should deal with powers and material support of bailiffs accurately. We can demand from them much, but this low-paid service has no tools for realization of the powers and is not able to afford elementary things — the head of the region emphasized.

Communicating with representatives of judicial authority, the chairman of Duma of Tyumen region Korepanov Sergei emphasized that the judicial system is the major stabilizing force in the country. He focused attention on the problems arising at execution of judgments:

— One of the reasons — this imperfection of the legislation in the sphere of executive productions. The serious collaboration which success in many respects depends on mutual understanding and coordination of actions of all branches of the power is necessary to us.

the Chairman Regional court of Tyumen region Sushinskikh Anatoly called all going to state offers especially as conference is held before December congress of judges Russian Federation:

— we have an opportunity the offers developed today to include in the program of discussion of future congress and in the subsequent to realize them.


reports at conference were made the vice-chairman by Regional court of Tyumen region Antropov Vyacheslav, judges of regional court Mateykovich Maxime and Skifsky Yvan, the chairman Leninsky District district court cities Tyumen Tyumen region Sergei Ivanovich Rakov, the deputy chief of Administration office по обеспечению деятельности мировых судей области Filipenko Igor and many others.

of 188 bailiffs (from them 80 — to Tyumen) work on 67 judicial sites of the South of the region.

Fedanyak Victoria.

Vladimir Yakushev
Last position: Plenipotentiary of the President (Office of the President'S Authorized Representative of the Russian Federation in the Ural Federal District)
Sergei Ivanovich Rakov
Last position: Judge (District court of Leninsk of Tyumen city of the Tyumen region)
Sushinskikh Anatoly
Korepanov Sergei
Antropov Vyacheslav
Duma of Tyumen region
Government Agency
Administration office по обеспечению деятельности мировых судей области
Government Agency