Eight people apply for a position of chapter Degtyarsk

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Eight people apply for a position of the head of Degtyarsk

Degtyarsk apply For a position of the head of the city district eight people . <= "http://nakanune.ru" target =" _ blank"> Nakanune.Ru reported information on this to a href in the press service of Thought of City district.

So, documents were filed the former head of the district Busakhin Igor , the pensioner Vasilyeva Tatyana , the director of "the Shalinsky center of cultural development" Kadyrov Arsene , the deputy director of the Vodokanal research and production center Kazantsev Igor , the employee of department of Administration office City economy by Administration of the city district Degtyarsk Kuznetsova Natalia , the deputy head of administration of the Degtyarsky city district Loginovskikh Sergei , the general director "Degtyarsky of engineering plant" Malygin Valery and temporarily idle Khaminov Aleksey.

Also in the press service noted that all candidates are approved at present by a contest committee and already on November 11 the second stage on selection of candidates following the results of which the final list of applicants for a district post of the head will be approved will begin, and already in the middle of November deputies of a dyagtyarsky district thought will have to to to take vote.

we Will remind strong to p that at the moment the term of office expired Busakhin Igor accuse of a dull expenditure of budgetary funds and non-performance of the obligations .

Busakhin, Dyagtyarsk|foto: Department of information policy of the governor