To Lelya and Minke in Cherepovets sweetened life

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Moskovskim to the actors who have played punished children, little residents of Cherepovets gave chocolates instead of flowers

the Performance "Lelya and Minka" RAMT (RAMT) in Cherepovets for the seventh time the theatrical festival "Gold Mask" which takes place with support of the Severstal company PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SEVERSTAL" and the city halls Cherepovets opened.

Adult performance for children

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys... " — the secret voice persuaded to disconnect public mobile phones. Such age dispersion as in a hall of Chamber theater on "Lelya and Minke", you will see infrequently. To performance came both preschool children, and pensioners. not for nothing at the same time "academic" and "youth", such performances in which everyone will find something special here are able to put RAMT does not hide that is very similar to the heroine: "I and now such remained, as it. On a scene I live with the heroine a big way — from the girl with ringlets to mother of three children. This performance allows me excellent opportunity to play uneven-age roles, it is the real godsend. Here it is possible both to jeer, and to philosophize".

Reading stories Zoshchenko Mikhail from the cycle "Lelya and Minka" remember a frightening image of the father of the heroes, personifying callous justice. Fatherly punishments like the toys of own children distributed to neighbour's children force heart of the reader, especially the child, is speeded up to fight. Also let the author continually notices that fatherly lessons made him the honest and good-natured person, the book image of the father did not become less ominous. In performance RAMTA the father is brought by such god who does not appear on a scene, and broadcasts a terrible voice from where from above the sentences. For example, for couple of galoshes sold to the ragman, the father sentenced children to sale of toys (sewed after the previous distribution) and to two years without ice cream for which purchase the kaloshny revenue had to go. Whether the father is right? Question debatable. In a scene with ice cream in a hall of Chamber theater distinctly rustled with whisper, obviously female: "Monster".

One business — the text where children's "crimes" alternate fatherly punishments and are varnished by recognitions of the author: pier, I understood that the father was right. And quite another matter, when a scene put "on theater": look punished (and it is not always fair) actors - "children" who silently watch in a hall under sad music, it is impossible to take out. And no wonder that actors after performance loaded with presents not only flowers, but also chocolates (the sweet children gave generally) — in compensation for deprivations.

of RAMT built on a scene the room with black curtains, rather dirty window and an old piano which became a frame not Lelya and Minki's most cheerful childhood. However, the childhood all the same remains the happiest time in human life. Performance RAMTA including about it.

On two displays "Lelya and Minki" in a hall of Chamber theater was not empty seats, tickets dispersed long before arrival of the Moscow theater to Cherepovets. Undoubtedly, performance with ease would take the audience and on four displays. "Demand for performances "Gold mask" is very great, and we conduct and we will conduct negotiations with organizers on that displays was more — the head of department of culture told the correspondent of "Speech" Cherepovets Yvan Lobanov. — But not everything is so simple, and there are a lot of nuances. For example, such performance as "Lelya and Minka", twice a day you will not show. You would see, squeezed out actors" leave what after performance.

"Minka — it I"

to the Director of statement Movsesyan Ruzanna Cherepovets will be remembered by p as the city of an actor's debut. Force majeure forced it to step on the stage as mother of the main characters. "It was very terrible, simply a nightmare — the director admits. — After that I started understanding better that my actors on a scene thanks to my inventions" do. To Cherepovets journalists Movsesyan Ruzanna admitted that in the childhood Zoshchenko "Lelya and Minka" did not read, and having taken the book at mature age, found in it answers to a set of the vital issues.

"Our performance unambiguously for adults, but to children it too it is possible to watch — she told.


— Zoshchenko Mikhail, generally telling, the adult writer. About what performance? About as far as we are connected with the parents creating us in a broad sense of this word, and with all those who forms us, molds and breaks".

U Krivoshchapov Dimitri, played Minka, in performance especially complex challenge. The actor with growth close to basketball, on a scene needs to play convincingly both five-year-old, and the 40-year-old character. The actor yet did not reach solid age, and the childhood left. But, as it became clear, is able to come back to it when it is necessary. "First the role was given difficult while I did not understand that it I and it is necessary to play itself — he told journalists. — Lelya and Minki's relationship in all paints and pictures because I too have elder sister are well familiar to me. Therefore I started remembering and using memoirs in this or that situation". The actor told and that parents punished him for faults not less rigidly, than to Mink. "Of some ice cream for two years did not deprive, but there were methods of education, very radical — he told. — But now, after years, I am grateful to the parents for everything".

"Mask" the Following performance of a festival, "The Russian person on rendez-vous" (16%2B) proceeds

, actors will show on a scene of the Palace of chemists on November 12 and 13 legendary Moscow State budget cultural institution Moscow "Moskovsky theater "Masterskaya P. N. Fomenko". Four years ago the theater lost the founder and the head, but the creative spirit put Fomenko Petr, did not leave theater. On a plot the young man Sanin Dimitri, having met abroad the young Italian Gemma, fell in love and even was going to marry, but was caught in a net to the artful temptress — the Russian mistress Marya Nikolaevna.

"Gold mask" will say goodbye to residents of Cherepovets for a year the ballet performance "Cinderella" (12%2B) which will take place on November 19 and 20 in the Palace of metallurgists. Statement of the ballet Prokofyev Sergei will be brought to our city by Petrozavodsk Musical theater Republic of Karelia.

That from the audience who came to easy statement about little prankishes, were surprised, having seen the psychological drama about the childhood.

to the Director of statement Movsesyan Ruzanna Cherepovets will be remembered by p as the city of an actor's debut. Force majeure forced it to step on the stage.

Vinogradov Sergei