Life of the little boy was lived by the Cherepovets audience

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opened the traditional theatrical festival "Gold Mask". Unexpected and very deep penetration into a material raised for the audience difficult questions of family relationship.

to It five, it it is slightly more. Him as the most younger, love and forgive a lot of things. It is compelled to provoke always people around to draw to itself attention. Lelya and Minka, the brother and the sister, two native and at the same time constantly clashing little persons live the whole life together with the audience. Six stories memories, six events which left an indelible mark on all their further life.

"Godsend, when such roles. Here it is possible kurazhitsya. On Lyol's performance passes the period from children's age to age of the adult woman who already has three children. It, of course, certain evolution. It is interesting to play it. At the end of Lyol absolutely another. This second transformation from the girl with ringlets in the adult woman, grown wise experience" — is told by the actress Kovaleva  Anna.

the Performance "Lelya and Minka" according to the book of Zoshchenko Mikhail was born div, by recognition of actors, not easy and, as they say, tormently. Disputes was much. And easy you will not call work on images.

the Performer of a role Minki Krivoshchapov Dimitri, shares impressions: "It was very difficult to find this character, this little boy who right there develops into the forty-year-old man and as in general the five-year-old, seven-year-old child behaves in this or that situation and as the forty-year-old man behaves, was to understand quite difficult. However I understood that this my, it I. I far should not go, I have elder sister. And everything that occurred between Cherish and to Minkaya me it is familiar therefore it was necessary to remember simply something".

the Character Minki — is autobiographical. Zoshchenko Mikhail forced it to be engaged in psychoanalysis of the personality. All children's memoirs of the author also were cornerstone of this book. The director Movsesyan Ruzanna found the unusual solution of a role of the father of Lelya and Minki. It it was not simple on a scene, but there was a voice, a little demonic which forced heroes to shrivel literally for fear.

On a Cherepovets scene there was an actor's debut of the director. Practically on the eve of tours Movsesyan Ruzanna was necessary to be entered urgently into performance for a role of mother.

"This experience opened for me also that my actors do, thanks to my inventions. They heroes simply" — the director Movsesyan Ruzanna admires.

saw performance on one breath and affected everyone who sat in the auditorium. The Gold Mask festival all higher and above raises every year a bar of statements. Ahead of residents of Cherepovets two more performances wait: "The Russian person on rendez-vous" and the ballet "Cinderella".