The Saratov public man is appointed the cochairman "The union of volunteers Russian Federation"

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On a photo: Dmitriev Sergei

the Saratov public man and the rescuer is chosen by span to a position of the cochairman "The union of volunteers Russian Federation". The decision is made at meeting of presidium of coordination council of the organization. Together with it cochairmen of steel Bondarenko Sergei, Yerakina Helena and Solyanin Valery.

It is noted by p that earlier Dmitriev Sergei was appointed the coordinator of VOO "Union of Volunteers Russian Federation" in Volga Federal District.

"It is big responsibility for me, - Dmitriev Sergei commented. - For me the appreciation of colleagues is very pleasant so. Let's continue to work in the same spirit. At present extremely topical issue of protection of the human rights, channelized appeared at us not so long ago. I will naturally continue work on volunteers in emergency situations. Our motto always was: "We nearby, are always ready to help".

Sergei Mikhaylovich Bondarenko
Last position: Chief (ROSVOLONTYOR)
Yerakina Helena
Solyanin Valery
Dmitriev Sergei