British mass media: "The Kremlin paid for Brexit"

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The Spanish La Vanguardia with the reference Gazeta The Sunday Times reports that "Russian Federation financed think-tanks (think tanks) of that part of the British Conservative party which was adjusted on vote for "brekzit"

"The head of one of them, Bruges Group based and long time headed Margaret Thatcher, Robert Oulds visited recently east part Ukraine by the invitation of separatist pro-Russian — the Spanish newspaper tells. — In the video topic devoted to impressions of a trip, it called the Kiev government junta, dictatorship as Latin American and declared that has to be unyoked Kiev".

"This group gave out to p in due time the whole series of videos and brochures with participation of known members of Conservative party who protected policy Vladimir Putin. All this became on the funds allocated by the Kremlin — approves the British edition. — Other influential group of the Tory — Bow Group — published the report on the activity which contained an appeal to cancel sanctions of EU concerning Russian Federation last year. And only two months ago this group put on need of signing of the cooperation agreement with the Russian reconnaissance services".

it is intended or not, but the text of the publication is made in such a way that the reader comes to a conclusion: if the British politicians introduce the sober ideas and make the decisions, adequate situations, it — is exclusive because they are financed by the Kremlin.

Dobrynin Vladimir