Declaration Petro Poroshenko: million dollars, at home, apartments, vehicle fleet, collection of paintings

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According to the legislation Ukraine, the president of the country Petro Poroshenko published the declaration on belonging it personal and real estate. It includes, besides the big house and several apartments in Kiev, Vinnytsia and Odesa, bank accounts for tens of millions dollars, shares in the companies and nearly one hundred objects of art.

the Head of state noted that all belonging it valuable personal and real estate was bought before presidency, thus its most part was acquired when it was not in the public service.

So, on Petro Poroshenko issued the house more than 1,3 thousand square meters in the elite settlement near Kiev. In the same settlement it possesses the land plots with a total area nearly 35 thousand square metrod. In Kiev President of Ukraine has three apartments and the land plot of 12,5 thousand square meters. Also some expensive cars and the five-meter boat are registered for the head of state.


Telling about money, Petro Poroshenko noted:" I essentially store means in banks — 27 million dollars from which each cent taxes are paid to the budget Ukraine. Though there are some cash: 800 thousand hryvnias and 60 thousand dollars".

Also according to the declaration of President of Ukraine, his houses and the apartment decorate 80 picturesque cloths among which both works of old masters, and works of the XIX-XX centuries, Information company "ITAR-TASS" transfers . Four pictures of the impressionists, six sculptures and grand piano of one of known European firms are separately mentioned. Are listed in the declaration and expensive furniture, digital equipment of a premium class, a chandelier and other luxury goods.

Besides, Petro Poroshenko owns actions of various companies, including, Prime Asset Partners which appeared in offshore scandal because of business of the Panama law firm Mossack Fonseca.