Inflatable balls: the most known stories of impostors in the sports world

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Appearance of impostors with plastic medals on celebration of Olympic champions to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland became unexpected, however similar situations for a long time not a rarity. Let's remember the most ridiculous deception in the history of the Russian and world sports.

Inflatable balls: the most known stories of impostors in the sports world deception, sports, the facts to "Southampton" very often call target the most failure transfer in the history of English soccer. In 1996 the head coach of team Graham Souness was called by the person presented by Vea George, the owner of "A gold ball" 1995. He asked the mentor to invite to viewing of the talented player of the national team Senegal and his cousin — Dia Alevtina which allegedly last season won back in the second division to Germany. To refuse viewing would be blasphemy, and Graham agreed.

With the player signed the contract for a month, and the trainer sent it to a double, having made the promise to look in the next match. However game of reservists was cancelled because of awful weather, and Souness, having counted upon recommendations "Weah", declared Dia Alevtina in the main structure on Premier league game against "Leeds". Dia Alevtina left in the field, having replaced the injured Matt Le Tissie. The player carried out in the field of 43 minutes — in the second time Souness's nerves did not sustain, and he made the return replacement. In two weeks the contract with the African was terminated. Dia Alevtina it tried to be fixed in one of clubs of the fifth division, but even there did not succeed.

Not on That napali

Yesli still somehow can get used to counterfeit passports of separately taken African football players, the whole counterfeit national teams — the phenomenon the extremely rare. On September 7, 2010 such team which was giving out for a national team of Those, played against Bahrain and conceded 0:3.
As it appeared br, it was not the first case. In June of the same year fictional "youth team" under the leadership of the former mentor of the main team of the country Bana Tchanile played a match with Egypt. He directed also the impostors who have lost in Bahrain.
For Tchanile's such resourcefulness it was discharged of the activity connected with soccer for two years. During investigations it became clear that organizers of swindle are criminal groups which traded in fixed matches worldwide.

"Diverse Rossiè»

the Champion for all times

All remember Dikul Valentine as one of the most talented power circus actors. But very few people know that in the world of powerlifting a name of the glorified circus actor call those who attributes to itself(himself) improbable achievements. And that is why. In 1999 Dikul Valentine without use of special equipment collected 1170 kg in the sum of three movements (knee-bend with a bar, a press of a bar lying and stanovy draft). Figure even at present the improbable. Then Dikul Valentine overcame 450 kg in knee-bends, and in draft 460 kg obeyed him! And it in 51 years!
is Enough to be added br that one of the best powerlifters of all times Malanichev Andrey in the prime of life first-ever in public sat down weighing 450 kg without use of special overalls in 2010, and the world record in stanovy draft belongs to the Icelander Magnusson Benedict and was established in 2011. In the triathlon sum anybody and close did not approach to "record" Dikul Valentine. Simply look, with what ease Ivanovich Valentine executes movements with improbable scales without assistants and as hard they are given to people who are engaged in powerlifting not one ten years. In other words, in the world of heavyweights refuse to trust the head of the medico-rehabilitation center of diseases of the musculoskeletal device, let and immensely it respect.

"Russian Schwarzenegger"

the Nevsky became one of the most known "exaggerated" athletes in the history of Russian Federation. Journalists called him the Russian Arnold Schwarzenegger, and the Nevsky actively used the mediynost. Since the end by 1990th it it was released about ten various books with speaking names it seems: "How to become Arnold Schwarzenegger in Russian Federation" or "A rocking chair for children" where besides the history the Nevsky gave advice to beginning bodybuilders. Thus the Nevsky never participated in one tournament in the territory of the country.
In 2010 the Nevsky declared br the victory on the Mr. Vselennaya tournament which to it allegedly won against legends of bodybuilding Rivz Stephen, Arnold Schwarzenegger and many others. According to the pseudo-champion, at competition he bypassed the known athlete Dayo Audi, however "rival" disproved this information later. According to the athlete, he was invited as the guest of competitions, and from professional sports left in two years before.
As it appeared br, the Nevsky became Mr. not to that Universe which was won by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Competition with the same name in a half-forgotten small village to Slovakia was carried out by WBBF federation, and legendary "Mr. Vselennaya" was always carried out under the auspices of NABBA. It should be noted, as after the opened deception the Nevsky continued to shock public the performances on WBBF Mr. Vselennaya tournament in 2011 and 2012 where steadily won first place.

Artificial chempion

Artificial champion deception, sports, facts a little that will tell div to the unsophisticated viewer, however in 2012 it rattled in the Russian mass media. Won nine victories on a professional ring the boxer declared himself the world champion in the WBC version — that is became the title holder whom owned Tayson Mike, Klichko Vladimir and Lennoks Lewis. Actually Pastukh Rodion really owned one of WBC belts, only less prestigious — to .

the Title in 2012 declared vacant, and at present it Australian Adam Lavrok owns. As for a title of the world champion, it at Pastukh Rodion really was, but according to UBO. It won against the little-known African Chupaki Chipindi who had in the asset of only 13 victories at 8 defeats fight for a belt. Now Pastukh Rodion, finished the career, goes on the cities of Russian Federation and carries out master classes and charitable events.

Source: social and political magazine "Rossiyskaya Federatsiya segodnya"
