In Egypt 15 people were lost as a result of heavy pouring rains

@IA Sin'hua
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Cairo, 29 October/Xinhua / - As it is reported on the Al-Akhram newspaper website, the heavy pouring rains which have begun on October 27 in the central and southern areas Egypt, already carried away lives of 15 people, 47 more got wounds as a result of this natural disaster.

As the newspaper with reference to the statement of Ministry of Health, in mukhafaze reported to p the Red Sea, Cairo, as a result of pouring rains seven people were lost, 23 more got wounds, in Southern Governorate Governorate of Sohag six people were lost and 24 got wounds. Besides in mukhafaze Governorate of Ismailia two persons as a result of a lightning stroke also were lost.

Ministry of Health already ordered to local departments of health care to take measures for prevention of flash of epidemics and to create the temporary medical centers for assistance to victims.

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