To Kursk region will create fund of development of the industry

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In Kursk region will create fund of development of the industry

Such statement was made by div during meeting of Administration of Kursk region, Mikhaylova Alexander.

the Regional fund of development of the industry will give to p support to the Kursk enterprises in implementation of priority projects. The speech, in particular, goes about the companies working for import substitution.

Six Kursk enterprises already received state support from the federal budget on implementation of import-substituting projects. Demands of other companies pass completion, reported during meeting the chairman Committee industries, transport and communication Kursk region Sergei Shatalov.

So, JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ENERGOTEKS" forms the demand for receiving state support for construction of a metallurgical complex worth 3,3 billion rubles. The Kursk storage platform prepares the project on production of industrial lead-acid storage batteries of new types with total the volume of investment about 700 million rubles.

Investproyekt on production of air automatic switches of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KEAZ", JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "KURSKY ELEKTROAPPARATNY FACTORY" passed an express assessment of Fund of development of the industry. Now documents for complex verification of the project prepare.