The Russian bicycle racer Lagutin Sergei is glad that the season-2016 turned out record-breaking long for it

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Moscow, 28 Oct - Agency Sports News 'R-sports', Gibadieva Veronica. the Russian bicycle racer Lagutin Sergei declared, what even is glad to record-breaking long season as it was given opportunity to support the national team in the World Cups and .

Lagutin Sergei in a season-2016 won one of stages" Vuelta " in structure" Katyushas ".

"Such long season at me yet was not, but with it there are no problems. When you foreknow the plan, to everything is ready. I, on the contrary, am glad to that the season turned out such long. There was at me this time and the championship , and the World Cup. It is very prestigious - to speak at such races, I am the racer of such age in whom it is worth rejoicing when such opportunity is given", - Lagutin Sergei told to the correspondent of Agency Sports News 'R-sports'.

the Next season the 35-year-old athlete will begin in structure pro-continental team" Gazprom-Rusvelo ".

Sergei Lagutin
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Gibadieva Veronica