The champion in cycling on a track Serov Alexander finished career of the athlete

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Moscow, 27 Oct - Agency Sports News 'R-sports', Gibadieva Veronica. Champion , the winner of the World Cup stages in cycling on a track <= target "" =" _ blank"> Serov Alexander declared a href to Agency Sports News 'R-sports' that finishes career of the athlete.

Earlier pro-continental team "Gazprom-Rusvelo" declared p that 33-year-old Serov Alexander finished career in cycling on the highway and will work in its structure as the sports director.

"I finished career of the athlete - track, highway, - Serov Alexander by phone told. - With 2016 Summer Olympics it turned out crookedly, psychologically it there was a difficult moment, but already and it was difficult to find motivation. To it all athletes come sooner or later. I had an opportunity to remain in team as the racer or as the sports director, I chose the second".

"In a track as practice shows, teams young - 20-25 years - are exceptions of the category Uiggins Bradley, but in general it so. Besides I am sure that it is necessary to finish career in time: you have to finish career, instead of to you someone has to finish it. Now I carry out the first collecting as the sports director of the team, I look at team absolutely on the other hand, I understand that I need any time for adaptation. It is planned that I will work in highway team with young structure", - he emphasized.

Alexander Serov
Last position: The professional athlete on cycling
Gibadieva Veronica