The estimate on corruption

@Novaja Kalmykija
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Officials of Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing of RK profited on illegal sale of official documents

Kirill Botov the Staff of Ministry on construction, transport and road economy Republics Republic of Kalmykia (the minister – Botov Kirill, the colleague of chapter Republic of Kalmykia Orlov Aleksey, repeatedly caught of abuses) are suspected of the conclusion and implementation of the agreement which led to competition restriction in the commodity markets, are reported by Bumbin Orn news agency .

In particular, the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing had to provide a free access to the territorial budget standards used for drawing up documentation, – by their publication on the site.

However as it became clear, development of standards on opaque conditions was carried out in common by the ministry and BUT "NASI" (National association of budget pricing and cost engineering). Further the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing signed the illegal contract about LLC "Gosnormativ" – for paid distribution of standards. What damage was caused by illegal actions of officials, is not reported.

Meanwhile, budget standards and indexes of change of cost of installation and construction works are official information, and serve for determination of cost of construction on the objects financed at the expense of budgetary funds. Access to them should not be limited. And the more so, corrupt officials from Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing have no right on it to earn.

However, at Orlov Aleksey his proteges profit on what only can, including various "cuts" and "kickbacks".

Kirill Ivanovich Botov
Main activity:Politician
Aleksey Orlov
Last position: Senator from executive body of the government of the Republic of Kalmykia (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)