The best cultural workers of Tyva Republic are awarded

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The best cultural workers of Tuva are awarded the Board of Ministry cultures of Republic by results of department activity in nine months of this year passed span in the Center of the Russian culture. It began with the pleasant moment: deliveries of the state awards and certificates on receiving the monetary help for partial payment of a mortgage.

an Official message of thanks of the head of the republic was received Tuvgosfilarmoniya's director Dulush Igor, by Krasnoyarsk citizens Vavilov Sergei, Shiryaev Dimitri, cooperating with philharmonic hall, the art director of the State Sayan Mountains ensemble Mandan-Khorlu Ayan.

of Certificates of honor of the chairman of Government respubliki for long and fruitful work awarded Rada Shombul from Kyzyl college of arts, the president of federation of dancing sports of Tyva Republic Kyzyl Kuular Maadyr, the employee of RT <7> State archive Maadyr Kuular , three actors from the Wind band of Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

the Anniversary medal "100 anniversary of a unification Russian Federation and Tyva Republic and 100 anniversary of basis of Kyzyl" awarded Mandan-Khorlu Ayan - ool Itself, the actor of the Tuva National orchestra.

In June of this year the Government of Tyva Republic approved by p an order of granting subsidies for compensation of part of expenses on mortgage loans for housing acquisition to employees of public institutions of culture of Tyva Republic. In the document the list of requirements to recipients of a subsidy, among which — length of service in public institution of culture not less than five years, and also existence of the written obligation to fulfill in public institutions of culture of Tyva Republic not less than five years after date of transfer of a subsidy was specified. to

Owners of subsidies for repayment of part of a mortgage loan. This is the manager of production part of National theater Mongush Aydyn, the property man Saaya Valentina, the director Oorzhak Suzanne , the art director to Khomushku Mannay; the actress of Sayan Mountains ensemble Saryglar Jeanne, the administrator Ivanova Helena, Buyan Khovalyg from RShI, Mongush Ulyana, Ondar Aybek from Kyzyl college of arts; Khevek Alimaa from RNMTs, Mongush Andrey from the Center of the Tuva culture.

the Results of work of the Ministry of Culture in nine months were summed up by the deputy minister Maryatta Badyrgy. For the reporting period 20 resolutions, in particular, on status assignment "national" to the State ensemble of a song and the dance "Sayan Mountains" were accepted. Cultural institutions and arts as support received 10 million rubles, the creative unions, figures of arts and cultural workers — more than 400 thousand. For the state and calendar holidays 7 million, were spent for actions for tourism — more than 500 thousand.

In 143 theatrical and concert establishments held 386 events, including exit — 147, permanently — 239 with coverage of 16509 viewers. Among significant actions — a concert Bootman Igor, festivals "The earth of my ancestors», "Syldys Sibiri", the "Tourism as Factor of Interregional Development" conference. Three premieres took place at Puppet theater. At National theater of the prime minister of the performance "Hanuma" (the director Oorzhak Aleksey) is expected these days, on October 30.