The Samara actors subdued the American Provinstaun

@Volga N'jus
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On the cape of Cape Cod (United States of America) passed the theatrical festival devoted State of Tennessee to Williams in the American town of Provinstaun. For the first time for all history of a festival the Russian theater participated in it. The Samara actor's workshop "Doctor Chekhov" presented the performance "Tango Christie" according to Eugene Onil's play, the correspondent social and political information agency "Volga Nyus".

On an edge of Earth

Performance is delivered to

(the teacher, the actress of the Samara drama theater). The history of its creation went in in two years: the invitation from the curator of a festival David Keplan, writing of the own play on the work "Anna Cristi", search of actors and a rehearsal platform (in performance took part Mezhenny Aleksey and Alshanov Svyatoslav (Samart theater), Korovina Tatyana (The Samara drama theater), at last, travel across the ocean and performance at a festival in Provinstaun where before did not play any Russian theater.

"The cape Cape Cod for America — a sign place — are told by Korovkina Alla. — It is that edge of the earth where the first English conquerors came. And fantastic Provinstaun which is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, is considered a place of the most beautiful risings. Even the early - it is vulnerable in the morning you surely will find on a beach of people who came to admire the ocean, to bathe in its waves or it is simple to be photographed. And still Provinstaun is considered the city of intellectuals. In the city with the population slightly more than three thousand inhabitants are the stationary theater, through each 20 meters — the art gallery and almost lives in each house any celebrity. The American writers, philosophers, artists fell in love long ago with this place. And still, on a legend, on the coast Cape Cod time reckons in a new way".

And so on the very brink of the earth, on an ocean coast, are costed by theater. Small and not elaborate, published it it is possible to take for a hangar or the boat station, one of its walls is washed by waves. In this place the first serious American theater began, in any case, Americans so claim.
Annually on a festival since all ends of the country theater-goers gather. The repertoire poster plays make State of Tennessee Williams, but the performances put on works of other authors are traditionally added also. This year — Eugene Onil.

"In Provinstaun the known playwright wrote

the plays and at this theater, on an ocean coast, they were for the first time played. When we went on this scene, spoke to myself: "It cannot be!" — Korovkina Alla remembers.

everything began

C of that

Many years ago in Kuibyshev theater according to the recommendation Vulf Vitaly there arrived the young director David Keplan to that time who put the play State of Tennessee Williams "Suddenly last summer".

"I played a major role in this play — Korovkina Alla tells. — Then David came to put "Macbeth" at our theater, and we made friends, for many years kept in contact, and after emergence Internet in general everything became simple. David watched theater life Samara and it appeared it is aware of my director's works. And here suggested to bring performance on a festival two years ago. To tell the truth, until, as we played in Provinstaun, I not really seriously treated myself, as the director. And therefore not really seriously treated and the invitation, but decided to try".

A at this time in Provinstaun

A at this time in Privinstaun the curator of a festival David Keplan brings together all founders, patrons and speaks about how many years ago it arrived to one Russian theater and got on the performance "Wolves and Sheep" directed by Monastyrsky Petr. And as it having not small experience of statements, rediscovered for itself(himself) theater. He stated the ardent desire to bring on a festival of the Samara actors. And one lady, the patron, the owner of art galleries, offered the help to theater. Thus, the material aspect of tours was settled.

As are told by Korovkina Alla, only after acquaintance to history of a festival it became rather terrible.

"I understood

what is responsibility, and began to ask in different theaters of area for the help. (A workshop "Doctor Chekhov" — it to some extent enterprise theater, without the scenic platform and actors. — of the Editor's note ) and in one of theaters even took place cast, suits (on my personal means) were already sewed, but it turned out as a result of nothing. Possibly, very few people were believed in idea realization. Though, I admit, I and itself not really trusted.

I here then I addressed to Sokolov Sergei Filippovich. Brought the invitations, all letters, and Sokolov Sergei Filippovich — the only person who treated with understanding. He told:" Certainly". Exempted actors from rehearsals, found opportunity to replace them in performances, provided the room. I am incredibly grateful to it, the big percent of our success — is a merit Sokolov Sergei Filippovich. Tonkovidov Vasilii wrote surprising music and songs which in itself apply for smash hits. Maksimova Victoria — the actress of Samart theater worked with us as the choreographer, it is very thin feels plastic energy, it was very much made the interesting. That is our performance — is work of the whole team. And we did not lose face. We, it is possible to tell, won".

during a festival, and it lasted the whole week, performances went every day on several platforms. Four times showed "tango Christie". Inhabitants of Provinstaun, meeting the Russian actors on the street, said: "Tango Christie" — is super!" . As actors remember, the word "Samara" too sounded quite often.

the Best compliment

Performance went in Russian and David offered for English-speaking public before each picture to give translation of the text of Onil.

"In the original of 11 characters. We have their three. That is it is history based on the play. We long thought over giving and as a result decided to hang up near a scene the screen on which the text was broadcast from time to time. But that is surprising, after each performance surely there were people who spoke:" Subtitlings were not necessary to us. The first five-seven minutes we distracted to read, and then forgot about the text and simply looked". And for us it was the best compliment" — the director remembers.

the Festival lasted some days. Besides displays passed master classes and creative meetings, and in general all city it was shipped in the theatricality atmosphere.

"Organizers us in every possible way sponsored

. To us attached the person who resolved all issues, including, household. Lodged in magnificent hotels with breakfasts. And all the time asked: "It is pleasant?" . When we came to closing, us gave so a cordial welcome that I, probably, for excitement, started speaking English — laughs, remembering Korovkina Alla. — At the closing ceremony we handed over to organizers of a festival of the diploma from Regional Duma of Samara. The committee on culture, sports and youth policy helped us with the translations, letters of recommendation and the main thing — encouraged. Besides, the thought prepared letters of thanks. And here it was necessary to see eyes of Americans. At them it is not especially accepted to distribute diplomas. To official papers of this sort they treat with improbable responsibility and respect, and therefore accepted them practically with tears in the eyes".

After end of a festival of a workshop "Doctor Chekhov" were followed by invitations, offers which while neither actors, nor the director, seriously besides do not consider.

"Need time that to consider everything" — Korovkina Alla speaks.