The agrarian enterprises can remain without federal subsidies

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Selection of projects on compensation of part of capital expenditure in agriculture this year can not take place. The Ministry of Agriculture received 120 demands for 50,5 billion rubles, but does not plan them to consider before receipt of funds from the budget.

Sources newspaper "Kommersant" in agricultural department explained that at present studying of the applications submitted by the agrarian enterprises, applying for allocation from federal treasury of partial subsidies for capital expenditure, is not conducted. The suspension is caused by absence on accounts of the ministry of money which is due to pay to landowners. As soon as means will be enlisted, consideration of projects will resume, however when it will occur, it is not known yet.

According to the plan, this year the enterprises which build new dairy complexes, objects on selections of agrarian cultures, and also modern warehouses which correspond to criteria of wholesale distribution centers have the right to apply for subsidies. With the corresponding demands in department 120 enterprises addressed. They apply for the state support for the sum of 50,5 billion rubles. The greatest activity was shown by milk sellers who submitted 97 applications in the total cost over 30 billion rubles.

For the first time the program of subsidizing of the landowners who have carried out capital investments, was approved last year. By rules, the help from federal treasury can cover from 20% to 30% of expenses of the company, and for the enterprises operating in Far East regions this indicator is increased to 25-35%. It was succeeded to provide with subsidies for total amount of 11,4 billion rubles in 2015 55 demands.

Participants of the market sound alarm because of present delays. As the director general of Rosagromarket holding Grigoryev Bogdan explained, his company in March prepared the demand for receiving a subsidy for construction of a wholesale distribution center worth 16,5 billion rubles which will appear to Novosibirsk region. In holding hope that money will arrive soon that will allow to embody already developed project.

does not hide pessimism because of delays of the ministry and the deputy head of Damate Group Grigorashchenko Andrey. Its enterprise at the beginning of a year sent the demand for subsidizing of a dairy complex to Tyumen region which is calculated on 4,6 thousand heads and will cost to the investor 5,6 billion rubles. Practice of delays can lead to that investors will leave a dairy segment, and already existing complexes will start working at a loss, the expert predicts.

Veka Information service
Andrey Grigorashchenko
Last position: President (NAPI)
Grigoryev Bogdan
Ministry for agriculture
Government Agency