"Conversation without words"

@Gazeta – Omsk
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Quite so still is called gathering popularity to Russian Federation, in particular in Omsk, an intellectual strategic Go game. Why – the correspondent of "Evening Omsk" learned.

Last and the present

the name "go" Unusual to the Russian ear, in only one syllable, came to us from Japanese in which the name of this game sounds as "yoke". In translation – "game on an environment". The term of Japanese was fixed in Europe as Go, and then in such look passed and into Russian Federation. In South Korea it is known as "baduk", in China – "veytsi".

Despite, apparently, novelty in the sports or hobby world, go are totaled not by one millennium of the existence.

– from the moment of its origin, by different estimates, passed from 2 to 4,5 thousand years, – Milyukhin Pavel, the organizer of Omsk "Guo club", the chairman of OORO Russian Federation Guo told . – Was not such that it was forgotten by the whole world. In the Asian countries was all the time. Only in China, during cultural revolutions, it at one time "buried". To Japan game delivered in the VI century. And it arose in China, it is for certain known. Archeological finds indicate one dates of its emergence, legends – on others, therefore also dispersion of dates such – in some millennia.

On one of versions, go was born as a result of fortune-telling on backs of turtles. After all boards on which play in go, too consist of squares.


– Initially was considered that people looked at a tortoise shell what on it there were impregnations (light/dark). That each time not to look for a turtle, thought up a board. Those impregnations also started modeling, – Milyukhin Pavel added.

it is interesting to

that to Russian Federation go appeared in the 1960th years. Filatov Youri in Saint Petersburg created the first section of a Go game. In the USSR it started gaining the greatest popularity from the beginning of publications in 1975 in the series Science and Life magazine from 12 articles about a Go game. Authors of articles with competitive tasks were Astashkin V. and Nilov G.. And it became the first attempt of its mass cultivation. The first championship of the all-Russian value took place in 1985.

As for our city, go-movement develops in it, by words Milyukhin Pavel, wavy – with take-off and falling. To contact residents of Omsk – pioneers go, unfortunately, it was not possible.

– According to some information, the club go was in Omsk in the 1980th or in the 1990th. The married couple conducted it. As residents of Novosibirsk speak, it was one of the best in Russian Federation. But whereas it turned out, what the club as a result collapsed without remainder? It is known that at them passed lectures, gave tasks … I tried to make something to revive go in Omsk, here and to tournament grew, – Milyukhin Pavel shared.

At present Omsk club go, created in 2012, on Sundays visit from 4 to 10 people. Some came here after hobby for chess, wishing to seize other, more difficult game. As a whole in our city there are a lot of players go which have even sets of this game. And on October 8-9 in youth library "KVartal 5/1" the first tournament go took place. To compete in strategic competition there came guests from Moscow, Barnaul, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk. According to them, "it turned out well".

of People and Artificial intelligence

Judging by archival records and fragments of boards which managed to be found, earlier the size of a game field sostavlyal17kh17 and gradually grew to 19kh19 (and now it is the maximum size of a board). Originally game started after a scattering of stones, later – "from a blank sheet" that it was possible to realize any combination.

– On the average in party there are 200 courses. And to count probability of everyone – it is possible to descend from mind (after all on a board of 19kh19 in size 361 points on which rivals have the right to put the stone settle down). Generally because of it the computer also lost to the person. But Artificial intelligence this year could win against the person after all. The computer taught to think in a different way a little – not simply to carry out recalculation, and to understand priority and value of courses, – the organizer of Omsk "Guo club" told.

In March of this year the program won

with the score 4:1 against Li Sedol, the professional of the ninth is given (the highest rank), during the historical match which was widely shined in the world press. After a victory in it the Korean association baduk appropriated AlphaGo "honourable the ninth is given pro sincere efforts" of the program in mastering skill of game.

of the Checker and chess

the Party in go lasts more long, than in chess and checkers. Checkers are more similar with go because all figures are equal among themselves.

of Options of how stones can be combined, a big set. At first it was one figure, then – another. The last turned into the third. And then the partner in game decided to put a spoke in the wheel, put the stone – and here a figure which at all did not expect to receive. As a result the grandiose monster whom to win, by words Milyukhin Pavel, it is necessary to control from all directions is born. But the purpose go not in removing all stones from a board (as in checkers or chess). Sense go – not destructive, but creative: it is necessary "to build" as much as possible territory.

of Guo, life and philosophy

by words Milyukhin Pavel, go gives the chance to see balance and harmony. Game punishes for excessive modesty and hastiness. It is possible to be too greedy, as a result the big group will be surrounded and removed from a board – and you will lose everything.

Besides, go allows to train concentration of attention because the party can last from 1,5 to 2 hours. Also it develops abstract thinking: for example, teaches the child to see in a combination of stones certain figures.

A began go – absolute philosophy.

– Why in go the first stones of black color go? Initially board orientally the ideally pure. Black the first course bring a chaos element. White try to result a situation in balance. Not that that about it go, no but better to play, it is necessary to understand it, – Milyukhin Pavel told. – The first course it is desirable to make the rival in "a heart zone". It is not obligatory, but it is considered a good form and shows aspiration of the person to fair and pleasant play. To put a stone in the center of a board means that you underestimate strengths of the opponent and as though you speak: "I am the tsar of all board, and I will defend it! ". It is not absolutely ethic.

In addition, stones do not move on a board. It is comparable with a perfect act – made do not turn back and it is necessary to bear responsibility for perfect actions. When stones in group, they are stronger and the opponent will need much more forces that to surround them, are to a question of cooperation and consolidation (the word, as well as at people).

– the game Purpose – to receive more territory, than the opponent. Yes, it is possible to stage for it a cruel massacre, and it is possible – to divide quietly. That is on the style of game it is possible to understand who before you sits. Therefore go often call "conversation without words" or "conversation by hands". Through style of game it is possible to understand of what the person thinks that tests, – Milyukhin Pavel added.


• In go play more than 50 million people on Earth, Russian Federation – about 80 thousand

In the Asian countries go start teaching at schools from 5–6 years. In some cities Russian Federation already too start entering gradually go as school discipline.

the Most known duel go is called "Party of a nuclear bomb". During it to Hiroshima in the suburb of which passed a match for Honjimbo's title, dumped a nuclear bomb, and players had to be evacuated.

In go there is the etiquette. Before tournament players have to bow each other or tell: "Pleasant game". After it: "Thanks for game". Also lost can ask the winner in what his fiasco consisted.

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Author: Khorzova Catherina