Solovyev Alexander: The concept of construction of the Palace of youth demands completion

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by the Deputy Prime Minister Solovyev Alexander.

One of points of the plan of measures on carrying out in the republic of Year of the youth presented to the fulfilling duty of the minister of affairs of youth and family policy Lukina Vasilina . Let's remind, the task of building of object was sounded by the head of the republic Yegor Borisov in 2014 within the message to State Assembly (State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic).

"The draft of the concept of the House of youth is approved by p at meeting of board of our ministry in December, 2015. According to the republican law on the state youth policy, priority assignment in this sphere is provided on strengthening of development of material base, and also on the land plots under building of new objects" — explained Lukina Vasilina.

According to her, in the Palace of youth it is planned to place and the centers of a social psychological assistance of a family and youth, both public organizations, and halls for actions, and the object has to become "heart" and the engine of youth movement in the republic: " on the basis of which the Palace has to be constructed, assumes that operational expenses will pay off by development of youth business in the same object" .

of the Deputy minister of finance Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Nikonova Oktyabrina noted that costs of construction and the contents can not justify themselves. "The social assistance centers have today rooms, non-profit organizations — the big public center. If somewhere it is necessary to gather, we have the same sports Triumph complex. I am afraid that investment of capital in new object will not meet expectations", — were specified by her.

according to the Deputy Prime Minister of the region Solovyeva Alexander , the concept of the Palace of youth is worked really not enough. "In the document much attention is paid to appearance of object. The substantial part demands completion. We have to build the Palace so that it earned" — were declared by him.

Oktyabrina Nikonov
Last position: Auditor (Audit Chamber of the Sakha Republic)
Yegor Borisov
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee Federation Council on agrarian and food policy and environmental management)
Solovyev Alexander
Lukina Vasilina
Dvorets molodezhi
Youth home
Government Agency