"Saw Baikal – and almost died of happiness"

@Inform Polis
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: Abanin Aleksey

the photo editor TV channel "Dozhd" Abanin Aleksey decided On unusual travel in the summer. To see "a pearl of Siberia" own eyes, it needed 13 days, 34 electric trains and two trains. Abanin Aleksey overcame five thousand kilometers. About a trip and fellow travelers it shared impressions in the blog and traveling notes . Irkutsk became a final point of two-week travel.

Muttered abusive words

- Instead of Angara today – milk. The most dense fog. In the train feeling that I really reached up to the end. Till the end. Here it – edge, I see it. It seems, me will break off to Baikal. Therefore it is laconic. But an entrance to Baikal fog resolved by itself. While the lake only just appeared under review, I simply jumped instantly and ran out to the platform where (probably, it is not really strong – I do not remember) shouted. And even minutes ten I went on the platform here and there and muttered to myself under a nose abusive words. Others at me it was not simple. And there was no wish to look for them, – he wrote.

A a month later Abanin Aleksey told

newspaper "Komsomolskaya pravda - Irkutsk" . As it became clear, it a sort from the small Kovrov Vladimir region. And the photographer connects warm memories of youth with electric trains.

- When still studied at school, I had the first love. The girl lived in Vladimir, and I remember that feeling when ran on an electric train and went to it for hundreds kilometers, – he remembers. – Then went to Moscow on training courses in university, and already in students read the poem in prose "Moscow - Cockerels" Yerofeev Venedikt and lit up idea of travel by an electric train through all country.

With the camera and a pepper barrel

But it realized dream not at once. The route developed still a year ago.

- idea to reach to Vladivostok refused, – Abanin Aleksey explains. – After Irkutsk there are not enough electric trains – there will be disagreements which should be overcome by buses or fast trains. The sense in it was not therefore decided to go to Baikal.

itself(himself) it took

C the camera, two lenses, chargers, wires, the laptop, cash – on tickets, hotels and food. In a backpack went in and a little clothes.

- And still a pepper barrel just in case. Parents insisted, – the Muscovite laughs. – Thank God, was not useful. Brawlers never met.

of 10 thousand on tickets and 30 – on food

I here the first day – on August 31. From Moscow to station of Shakhunya Abanin Aleksey reached Nizhny Novgorod region. Then there were Ural, Tyumen, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk … On everything about everything 13 days, 34 electric trains, ten thousand rubles on tickets and thirty – on food and accommodation in gifts left.

- In breaks between trips walked on the cities and settlements, ate, as a rule, in station cafes, – Abanin Aleksey tells. – Did not do and without "gaps": them was two: on borders Krasnoyarsk territory with Irkutsk region and Kemerovo region. There electric trains do not go, it was necessary to take the fast train.

the Dream was achieved


From a trip there was a mass of bright impressions. The traveler wrote down them, and photographed more many and read.

- Electric trains different came across – with wooden benches and soft seats, warm and cold, the 1980th years and absolutely new. And people too the different. The most talkative – from Ural to Krasnoyarsk admits "18". – When approached to Baikal, such beauty saw. Came to stations Strawberry, walked on the wood to Kultuk, saw Baikal – and almost died of happiness. Some hours sat ashore. Pleasure that you think out dream and then you try to carry out it.

we Will note

, Baikal gains recently the increasing popularity among Russians. Attracts the sacred lake and thrill-seekers. So, at the beginning of October the inhabitant Ostanin Andrey declared Nizhny Tagil that intends to subdue winter Baikal by bicycle, and not one, and together with the cat by nickname Graf. And in September there "the patron of oceans" Pyu Louis visited legendary. It not only took part in cleaning of the coast of the lake, but also made a "symbolical" heat on one kilometer.