The court sent for a lattice of staff of branch of federal higher education institution for plunder of 54 million rubles

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Chelyabinsk, news agency "Dostup"

B Chelyabinsk are condemned by div the staff of branch of the Russian economic university of a name of Plekhanov who stole 54,5 million rubles – malefactors charged to themselves huge salaries and extinguished the credits at the expense of higher education institution, the correspondent of the Access News agency reports with reference to the prosecutor's office press service. by

It is established that the chief accountant Deryabina Olga together with accountants of higher education institution Vasilyeva Olga and Korovina Tatyana since January 2010 till December, 2013 charged to itself a salary to 500 thousand rubles monthly – money arrived into their personal accounts or on account of repayment of the credits and debts according to court orders. In total 46,2 million rubles were stolen.

the condemned did not admit Guilt, having explained that got paid legally as carried out large volume of work in days off and holidays, in night shifts, believing that the salary corresponded to their loading.

Besides, accomplices at complicity Topin Anatoly and Tamara Topinykh, Deryabina Olga, stole 8,3 million rubles, listing them a salary as to the chief engineer of branch and for providing accounting and consulting and auditor services, on the basis of fictitious turnkey contracts and acts of acceptance of the performed works.

the Soviet regional court sentenced Deryabina Olga, Vasilyeva Olga and Korovina Tatyana to 7 years 11 months of imprisonment with a penalty of 900 thousand rubles, by 6 years 9 months of imprisonment with a penalty of 700 thousand rubles, by 5 years 7 months of imprisonment with a penalty of 700 thousand. rubles respectively.

Topin Anatoly appointed 4 years 5 months of a standard regime penal colony, and his spouse – similar conditional term, with a trial period four years.

Condemned appealed against this decision. The appeal instance of Regional court of Chelyabinsk left a sentence without change. Earlier the court of the first instance also satisfied the dissatisfied party claim, having collected in favor of higher education institution over 54,5 million rubles. The arrested property condemned (five land plots, five apartments, garage and the car) is transferred to police officers for collecting material damage.