"Young economists of Eurasia"

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on October 18, 2016 on a platform FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUURGU (NIU)", SOUTHERN URAL STATE UNIVERSITY and Academies of public administration at President of Kyrgyzstan there took place the first meeting of Young Economists of Eurasia club.
as organizers of action acted FUND "YEVRAZIYSKOE SODRUZHESTVO", FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUURGU (NIU)", SOUTHERN URAL STATE UNIVERSITY and Academy Государственного administration office при Президенте Kyrgyzstan.
Meeting of Club took place br in a debatable format of internal meeting with video bridge elements with Academy of public administration at President of Kyrgyzstan in the presence of representatives of expert community of South Ural and Kyrgyzstan.

the Main objectives of meeting of Club - creation of conditions for communication, dialogue and establishment of long-term personal contacts between young people from the countries of Eurasian Economic Union, development social activity of youth, strengthening of the friendly international relations, opening of new opportunities for realization of creative potential of youth.

With the welcome address to participants of a youth seminar Shmidt Andrey, the vice rector for study FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUURGU (NIU)", SOUTHERN URAL STATE UNIVERSITY which considers addressed that such actions create conditions for communication, dialogue and establishment of long-term personal contacts between young people from the countries of Eurasian Economic Union, develop social activity of youth, strengthen the friendly international relations, open new opportunities for realization of creative potential of youth.

Glukharev Dimitri, the deputy head of department foreign economic activity of Ministry Ekonomicheskoye razvitiya Chelyabinsk region, the expert of fund of social and economic developments "Yevraziyskoye sodruzhestvo", noted that meetings of Young Economists of Eurasia Club has to become an effective platform for an exchange of experience between youth in the field of implementation of the international business projects, educational and humanitarian fields of activity of the countries of the Euroasian space. the Main part of meeting of Club. Within this action at a moderation of experts from Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan were discussed such important subjects, as the Euroasian integration, youth business, a historical and cultural community of the Euroasian space, scientific and educational cooperation, development interactions of the youth organizations and associations within uniform Euroasian space.
Kulmatova Aygul, the young teacher of Academy of public service at President of Kyrgyzstan, expressed opinion that the introduction Kyrgyzstan in Eurasian Economic Union opens new prospects for the state - barriers on a way of movement of goods, services, the capital and labor are removed; new investment opportunities and prospects of implementation of large infrastructure projects, first of all in power spheres, transports and agriculture open. Citizens Kyrgyzstan acquired the right to work in any state of the Union at the same conditions, as citizens of the state of employment. Accession Kyrgyzstan gives a new impulse to development the capacity of the Union. Integration association strengthens the positions in global economic architecture.

and informative the message Bychkova Natalia about tendencies of developments the film industries in the countries Central Asia was Emotional. Bychkova Natalia considers that in the region there is a creative youth, talented directors who create in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan. For example, Tursunov Yermek (Kazakhstan) with the movie "Daughter-in-law" entered a shor-leaf on an award the Oscar.

Interesting speech of the graduate student FGAOU FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "YUURGU (NIU)", SOUTHERN URAL STATE UNIVERSITY Okolnishnikov Aleksey was the report on features of the market of realtor services in the countries of Eurasian Economic Union

the Representative of the Tajik technical university of M. Osimi Azimov Pulod considered problems and prospects of transport and logistic activity in the countries Central Asia (on the example of Tajikistan). The main idea of the speaker consisted that it is necessary to unite interests of producers and consumers first of all, railway equipment, technologies, transportation and infrastructure services for the purpose of formation of conditions for effective developments the Central Asian region in the sphere of the contents, modernization and use of infrastructure of iron roads with width of track of 1 520 mm.

Following the results of work of the first meeting of Young Economists of Eurasia Club Russian Federation is offered to create the Euroasian Youth club of economists on the basis of regional youth economic clubs, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

On materials of Fund of social and economic developments "Yevraziyskoye sodruzhestvo"