Belarus and Hungary soon will agree on the program of cultural actions for 2017

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on October 18, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. Belarus and Hungary soon will agree on the program of cultural actions for 2017. Such agreement is reached at a meeting of the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Belarus Khaynovsky Alexander with the deputy state secretary of the Ministry of human resources Hungary Orsholya Pachay-Tomashich, reported Belarusian cable agency "Belta" in the press service the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"During a party meeting in detail were discussed by topical issues of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between two countries, - told in department. - The agreement soon to agree on the program of joint cultural actions the next year and to start its realization" is reached.


In the press service explained that interlocutors paid the main attention to carrying out Days of culture Belarus to Hungary in 2017 which it is planned to date for the 25 anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries.