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remembers resonant errors of the referee from the past and argues on the present.

If the judge badly sees em, it should not leave in the field.

Lobanovsky Valery

you recognize these people? Well certainly. These are ruthless, cool, serial "murderers". However, they did not wait unfortunate at an entrance, did not smother them kapron stockings and especially did not pour poison in a glass of the victims.

Moreover. They were urged to manage justice, fortunately, not in the court building, and only on a football field. There is no profession more harmfully, than to judge football matches. To me not to remember, whether there was in long football history a situation when players victors after a match admitted, what they won only thanks to judicial decisions? But is not present on the earth of any team, since domestic and finishing the greatest national teams of our frail world, the trainer or the fan who at least once had not to accuse of the defeat reasons "the person in black".

Fredriksson Eric – is guilty of double "murder". In 1986 he coolly "shot" the Soviet national team in 1/8 finals of a WC in Mexico in a match from the national team Belgium, and in four years later a control shot in the World Cup of 1990 to Italy "finished" our team in a match Argentina – the USSR when did not see game by Diego Maradona's hand.

Monteyra Korrada – was "strangled" by Moscow "Spartak" in a semi-final of the Cup of cups of 1992 with the Belgian "Antwerp".

Václav Krondl – cynically outraged upon the national team Russian Federation in 1997 in a match Bulgaria – Russian Federation.

I, despite the humane law on release from responsibility of these characters in connection with the expiration of limitation periods, heart still clenches at one only a mention of these names. They are guilty, our fair fan and history pronounced them a sentence. Also there is no mercy by it.

there Pass years. Many of those who witnessed those judicial crimes, matured or grew old. And here, peering into frames of the chronicle from height of the gained experience of a match of the USSR – Belgium, having got rid of fan paranoia, I catch myself on thought that the national team under the direction of Lobanovsky Valery which always was famous for the organized and dense defense, allows so easily and to shoot freely Dasayev's gate from limits of a penalty area. Freely, without resistance as football aksakals like to speak now: - watched football. Four goals. It too for any collective, especially our national team with selection of magnificent performers, and Lobanovsky Valery protective constructions. Any zabros for backs of our defenders was accompanied by a dangerous situation at our gate, and our guys did not use a great lot of the moments. Lost. Fredriksson Eric is guilty? Or nevertheless the linear arbitrator who did not record situation "off side"? And that, only in one of missed goals. I look and understand - defeat on business, on game. Mistakes in defense scandalous and inexcusable. The same as in a match of the USSR with Argentinians. Lobanovsky Valery at an after match press conference told: "C boric played the USSR very well, and football players followed all trainer's instructions, and in the second time, having remained ten together, dictated the conditions to the rival. The only thing in what the team did not succeed, so it in realization of scoring chances, as led to failure. I am happy with this play of the team. It was enough high-class. The team showed that was ready to fight for the highest places in superiority, but, alas, now we should leave the championship" . Years go, and the trainer's rhetoric in days of defeats does not change. At the same press conference Lobanovsky Valery dropped the phrase which has served as an epigraph. And actually, the team played with one yarkovyrazhenny forward. Here only Protasov was not in the best form, and the team Soviet Union did not manage to score any goal in two matches. And the case happened to Maradona's next "God's" hand only on the eleventh minute of a meeting.

Perfectly I remember p this evening. "Spartak" wins against "Antwerp" 1-0, and following the results of two meetings the ending of a match seems cloudless. We in a cup-final of cups! Pride, pleasure. As a result - 3-1 in favor of the Belgian club. Anger and powerless rage. Actions of the judge force to hate, and to sharpen kitchen knifes.

" Ya it is absolutely sure, and not only I that from first minutes of this match there was a purposeful destruction of "Spartak". For a start the judge began to distribute cards to those players who could not, then take part in the final, - Karpin Valery, Onopko. He, as well as many, understood that as a whole "Spartak" obviously surpassed the Belgian club and had to become the finalist of the Cup".

were Remembered many years later by the participant of those tragic events, the defender of "Spartak" Chernyshov Andrey. to

"From my position this moment was perfectly visible to p. When Ivanov wanted to leave own penalty area, Chernyatinski seized him by a t-shirt. Ivanov once tried to escape, another - it did not turn out. And then an elbow slightly pushed away the Belgian player - such game episodes during matches happens much. Whether Chernyatinski with shout failed in a penalty"

So easily and, the main thing, what for? Comer did not show this episode. The main actions happened around the central circle. So whom to blame? Why it was necessary to wave away, provoke the judge and to give a reason? It is difficult to me to tell. Nonprofessionally and very thoughtlessly. It is easy to argue, sitting on a sofa but if you are in the field, there is perhaps hotter, than in a muzzle of a volcano of Krakatau. Young and healthy with a crimson flush by all means wish to win and perfectly see as as occurs and as the judge behaves, but heat of fight and mad adrenaline will not give the chance to think objectively. But if the rival is uncompromising and rather cruel in single combats, judicial "podsvistyvaniye" perceive with big frenzy. It is and who will tell - bias it or nonprofessionalism. In the heat of fight – only sports rage and desire to win.

refereeing Subject eternal and same ungrateful, as subject of fight of the good and evil. To me in this regard another is curious. In the football world there is an ordinary phrase which tries to calm wishing to make fragrant soap of representatives of this ancient profession.

the Judge - an integral part of football action, on an equal basis with players. There are no reasons to argue, here only if the forward smears from a favorable situation, the goalkeeper lets "butterfly", the defender loses a position and the player – it harms to only own team. The judge, though has no part of game process, but the right for a mistake. And it is important to understand it today when the refereeing subject again and again comes to the forefront and eclipses itself nuances of the game.

After all it is not refereeing and not in soccer, and in opposition of opinions and fan desire "to pinch" the opponent. In it there is nothing constructive and reasonable. Everything rotates round the individual perception far from football rules and their understanding. The main issue is a question of perception and an assessment. Those who cannot do it it with the cold head, are hardly capable to argue. According to the doctrine, there is a lot of perceptions, and they are very changeable. If you possess one knowledge, and your interlocutor others, you will look at the world different eyes. Therefore even if something seems to you obvious – speak it, disputes will be less. Instead of spoke – who is guilty?

the Perception is connected by p with emotional reaction, and influences go to both parties: both your emotions define your perception, and the way of your perception in many respects defines your emotions. What perception you to yourselves will make, from what position of perception look – such to you emotion and will be.

Therefore to me always like Karpin Valery because its judgments coincide with my emotions and my perception.

– That will tell about history when some football players after defeat from Wales in conversation with Slutsky called themselves "…"

It it is simple emotions after defeat. Normal phenomenon.

– you so sometime thought of yourselves?

– Certainly. When "Spartak" lost to "Antwerp" at the beginning of the 90th, without having left in a cup-final of cups.

Ivanov's Refereeing estimated as unsatisfactory, Bezborodova – it is excellent. Into whom can it talk some sense, or convince? In search of a fried subject, intrigues and scandals, anybody does not have business to subtleties and relationship of cause and effect. Nevertheless it is "obvious". The Whistle broadcast in air was not let out by PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "GAZPROM" because of possible scandal and indecent refereeing. And Ivanov's "prejudiced" arbitration - became the reason of "hysteria" of the management of "Spartak". About soccer and soccer interesting – words. And it besides that "Rostov" for ten previous rounds snipped off already six red cards. Trifles?

A hammer Noboa in a meeting ending, conversations on allegedly unqualified refereeing would pass into the plane of lameness of Spartak defense.

To Russian Federation the press discusses refereeing, than soccer more. Such opinion of Information company "ITAR-TASS" was stated by the acting as the head of department of refereeing and inspection of RFS (RFS) Nikolaev Aleksey. And it, alas, – the fact. Articles under headings as the judge killed "Rostov" or "Spartak", rend only the air and weak minds.

"Now when my duty is fulfilled, and the justice cleared from are nasty, triumphs, I will take a step, to make which in power to only the greatest judge. Because true greatness of the judge in ability to punish itself. . "

(judge Uorgreyv)

Valery Karpin
Last position: Head coach (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY FC "ROSTOV")
Diego Armando Maradona
Main activity:Athlete
Kolotovkin Sergei
Lobanovsky Valery
Main activity:Culture and sports
Main activity:Culture and sports
PJSC Gazprom
Main activity:Production and distribution of the electric power, gas and water