Yury Chaika: We do not politize fight against crime questions

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Yury Chaika asked Cyprus to give out the Russian fugitives
the Public prosecutor Yury Chaika urged to avoid politicization of questions of fight against crime. Photo:

As were declared by Yury Chaika, during negotiations with the general prosecutor Cyprus Costas Kleridis it is necessary to avoid politicization of the questions connected with fight against local and international crime.

- We do not politize questions of fight against local and international crime, but we understand that these issues should be resolved, - he declared.

by words Yury Chaika, fight against crime it is necessary to conduct without political background. Within a meeting with the colleague Yury Chaika also reported that at his meeting with President of Republic Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades Ukraine, accused on the island in commission of a number of crimes agreed about an extradition from Russian Federation to Cyprus the citizen. As a whole heads of supervising departments positively estimated interaction in law-enforcement area between two states and came to the agreement on study and signing of the new memorandum on cooperation. This document can be signed at the beginning of the next year within visit of the Cyprian delegation to Russian Federation.

In turn at a meeting with the chief prosecutor Cyprus Eleni Luizidi the Russian prosecutors discussed questions of counteraction to shadow monetary schemes and a conclusion of the capitals.

General prosecutor's office The Russian Federation interacts concerning delivery of criminals and legal aid with nearly 80 countries

according to the prosecutor Luizidi, world financial crisis is partially provoked by active distribution so-called "gray", or shadow, monetary schemes in many countries.

- the Judicial system Cyprus understands that many economic problems of the country are connected with desire of a number of the international businessmen to hide movement of financial streams. And it negatively affects an economic situation in the country and the world, - declared the chief prosecutor Cyprus.

As expected, on Tuesday Yury Chaika will hold a meeting with the Minister of Justice and a public order Cyprus Nikolau Ionas within which will discuss processing of several requests for an extradition of the persons accused to Russian Federation on a number of crimes.

Now General prosecutor's office The Russian Federation interacts concerning delivery and rendering legal aid on criminal cases almost with 80 states. On orders of the State Office of Public Prosecutor more than 3 thousand fugitives accused or condemned to Russian Federation are searched. Despite a difficult political situation the State Office of Public Prosecutor managed to keep high level , and with some countries interaction considerably became more active. From the European countries it concerned, for example, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Spain and France. However, as prosecutors recognize, there are also difficulties in relationship with a number of the countries. They are connected, for example, with absence of contractual base that in turn involves in certain cases refusal in delivery.