Been born in Russian Federation the American chess player refused to put on a hijab a WC in Tehran

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The American chess player who born in Russia refused to put on a hijab a WC in Tehran
of Foto: Reuters/Scanpix
the Chess player from United States of America the Georgian origin of Nazi Paikidze-Barns Greg refused participation in the World Cup which will take place in February, 2017 in Tehran, reports informational and analytical portal "Gruziya Online".

the Chess player from United States of America the Georgian origin of Nazi Paikidze-Barns Greg refused participation in the World Cup which will take place in February, 2017 in Tehran, reports informational and analytical portal "Gruziya Online".

Having elected Tehran a venue of the World Cup in chess among women, the International federation of chess ( World Chess Federation ) entered additional rules of behavior for his participants to observe strict Islamic laws existing in the country. In particular, it is offered to all chess players to cover the heads with hijabs.

This requirement of organizers of female ChM-2017 revolted with p many chess players, however only Paikidze decided to declare boycott of the forthcoming tournament. Nazi explained that has no anything against Iran, inhabitants of this country or any religion, but cannot reconcile to laws which limit it in the rights as the woman. As a result the American chess player started the petition in which calls World Chess Federation to postpone the championship to other country or to affect the government Iran and to cancel the declared restrictions.

"If the venue of tournament will not be changed by p, I will not take part. I am deeply afflicted with it. I received such privilege, as the right to represent United States of America in the female World Cup in chess. Me disappoints that I will not be able to use it because of religious, sexist and political problems" — Paikidze-Barns Greg wrote to website "Instagram".


This is a post for those who do not understand why I am boycotting FIDE's decision. I think it's unacceptable to host a WOMEN'S World Championship in a place where women do not have basic fundamental rights and are treated as second-class citizens. For those saying that I do not know anything about Iran: I have received the most support and gratitude from the people of Iran, who are facing this situation every day. Thank you MyStealthyFreedom for sharing my interview.

of A photo posted by Nazi Paikidze-Barnes (@nazipaiki) of on Sep 30, 2016 at 8:39am PDT

23-year Nazi Paikidze-Barns Greg was born an in Irkutsk, at four-year age her parents moved to Georgia. Since 2006 the family lived in Moscow, and in 2011 Paikidze accepted the invitation to play for the national team Georgia on the championship where the team took the third place. From the 2014th represents United States of America, and last year married the American engineer Barns Greg.