Whether alloy Razin Andrey players? 10 conclusions from a week of KHL

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of the Word Titov Herman dispersed from business, "Siberia" needs to look for replacement to Salak Alexander and false expectations from Nichushkina Valeria — in the heading "10 conclusions from a week of KHL" .

Slova Titov Herman again dispersed from business

Dismissal Titov Herman from "Spartak" was not such the obvious decision. Red-white it was difficult to call situation critical and those who says are right that Titov Herman it was necessary to work with very average structure.
Besides that in "Spartak" is not present any Russian player of level of the national team, so also not all legionaries had to the yard. Khegstrem Marcus has to be b the first in the list of disappointments. But unless not at Titov Herman the best goal-scorer "Atlanta" Shmelev Sergei degraded once? Unless not at this trainer Igor Levitsky , quite recently seeming to one of the most valuable assets thrown by Zhamnovy from "Atlanta" in "Spartak" could not prove Levitsky Igor that in Moscow it gave the correct interviews in which promised that its teams will play spectacular, aggressive hockey. In words Titov Herman seemed the leader of modern style, however on ice "Kuznya" and "Spartak" looked extremely unattractive. It is possible to give a discount for level of performers, but unless Titov Herman did not understand with whom it should work?

Razin Andrey are not merged by players of "Motorist"

As a rule, conversations on plum of this or that trainer remain no more than the imagination of fans. In the same way as well as ordered articles in mass media is a popular baize, and something is rare bigger. However in a case with Razin Andrey and "Motorist" the theory about intended expression of the trainer from the post seemed truthful. Painfully the direct and inconvenient trainer is at the head of the Ural club. Inconvenient, including for hockey players. Who will want to try on a pink undershirt or to listen about itself(himself) not to the most pleasant truth? But the main thing that for 10 matches in which "Motorist" suffered nine defeats, fight performed by wards Razin Andrey was business epizodichny, and at times at all exclusive. All hearings were dispelled by Razin Andrey , having told that after a match with "Lada" players dissuaded it from resignation. As far as we know, it is for the first time serious "podvis" Razin Andrey for couple of days earlier – after house defeat from "Ak Bars". Remember how in last season in a similar situation there was Andrievsky Alexander, and after cancelled resignation his "Admiral" started rising upward?
In words Titov Herman seemed the leader of modern style, however on ice "Kuznya" and "Spartak" looked extremely unattractive. It is possible to give a discount for level of performers, but unless Titov Herman did not understand with whom it should work? we Will wish blockquote to div Razin Andrey repetitions of the Far East scenario, but for this purpose in one boat with it have to float not only players, but also heads of "Motorist". With it, seemingly, and problems.

the Ak Bars any more average team, and the leader

"The Ak Bars – average team! " — convinced us the last year. Colleagues journalists, experts led by Gimaev Sergei , and the main thing – wards Zinetuly Bilyaletdinov convinced. The structure, game and place in the table were a match precisely not for double owners Gagarin's Cup. And here, quite unexpectedly, "Ak Bars" crept on the first place in conference. Catlike. Certainly, did not do here without crisis in a camp of almost all east giants, but also "leopards" changed. Instead of one defender legionary near at hand Bilyaletdinov had at once three qualitative foreigners — Yordan , of Okhtamaa and Elliot , and for the trainer who traditionally dances from an oven, it is crucial. Reliability of defense is the first reason why "Ak Bars" managed to win eight victories in a row and to fly up on top. In the last three matches citizens of Kazan at all passed only once. Well and having in the fourth link a sheaf Varnakov – Malykhin , "leopards" have no right to consider themselves by average team. "Ak Bars" found again a qualitative kernel and long "bench" though new Morozova and Zaripov on the horizon still it is not visible.

>>> "Ak Bars" Domination, a trauma Salak Alexander and Osnovin's progress

of "Siberia" needed to look for the goalkeeper

the Semi-official organ from the capital of Siberia yet but to all appearances Fastovsky Kirill should look for the new goalkeeper. Salak Alexander , having got a heavy trauma in a match with "Spartak", risks to take off until the end of a season. With whom in that case "Siberia" to finish the championship? Alexey Krasikov
, for which, in fact, emptiness becomes the main goalkeeper 21-year Krasikov Aleksey does not pass b even in farm-club structure, and the goalkeeper of the junior national team Shmakov Shamil is still too young even for a role of a relief. Why in so critical situation to residents of Novosibirsk not to return to the candidate Serebryakov Nikita which refused in inter-season period? However, according to our information, "Siberia" already started search of the goalkeeper-legionary. Residents of Novosibirsk for certain will repeat the last year's Nizhnekamsk scenario when instead of hard injured to Willa Kolppanena "Petrochemist" temporarily invited Koval Vitaly .

>>> "Siberia" can lose Salak Alexander, Kovalchuk overtook Mozyakina

Otstavka Mikhalkevich Eugenie, especially after Gulyavtsev Alexander started correcting a tournament situation, looks strange.

Such as about Volski Voytek, there can be to everyone

a Last week became time of heavy and at the same time ridiculous injuries. Salak Alexander left for a long time after absolutely ordinary movement one corner in another, and Volski Voytek broke two vertebras and got a bruise of a spinal cord when jumped behind a washer in the majority. There was no dirt or even excessive rigidity. Volski Voytek did not rescue command from a right goal in the seventh match of a final series a playoffs. In fact, the situation did not demand heroism. But as a result – reanimation and not clear prospects concerning career continuation. Velichkin Gennady optimistically tells b only about the admission of this season, but after such damages not everyone is restored to normal life, without speaking about professional sports. Case about Volski Voytek – another proof of that hockey players, coming to ice, risk health and even life. Their huge salaries can irritate, cause envy, but it is more correct to consider them as an insurance from here such accidents. Alas, again it is necessary to speak about medical maintenance on our arenas: taking away Volski Voytek on a stretcher, doctors in any way did not record a neck of the Canadian that is obligatory at such injuries. Really the death us so also did not teach Cherepanov Aleksey"> Visit the channel the Championship.com on Video hosting"YouTube"

Anisin Mikhail and Pervyshin Andrey stepped on the rake

Recently Anisin Mikhail gave incendiary interview in which regretted that because of too liberal laws to Russian Federation it cannot chop off fingers to careless correspondents. Such intricate method attacking, not passing in structure of the last team of the East, disproves information on mode violation. However, all of us remember adventures Anisin Mikhail in the Ufa hotel who were depicted on a chamber. And his workmate on fresh Novokuznetsk adventures Pervyshin Andrey also repeatedly stepped on this rake. According to our information, from "Tractor" of the defender who was once considered as one of the most reliable in the country, also released for problems with discipline. It is necessary to guess only, than players when go on similar in Novokuznetsk "Metallurgist" are guided. Really they do not realize, what further either the Highest league, or completion of career? The limit on legionaries led to that at veterans and simply problem players the self-preservation instinct became dull.


wrote off even in Nizhnekamsk

It seemed that until recently brothers of Alshevskiye along with Lukoyanov Artem and Menshikov Vitaly were bright examples of how it is possible to rise, acting in the Highest league. Menshikov Vitaly grew to the national team, Lukoyanov Artem to a captain's stripe (a way and temporary) in «the Ak Bars", and twin brothers promised to become elite forwards of the power plan. Let this role a little also differ from that which they tried on on themselves in "Diesel", being one of the best goal-scorers of VHL. However passed years, and to Alshevskiye were not necessary even in native Nizhnekamsk. In something the matter is that injuries (especially it concerns Yaroslav), in something – mistrust of trainers. But at the exit we receive, what even in farm-club of "Petrochemist" once perspective forwards look a pale shadow themselves. Exchange to "Kuenlun Shan" of which "Championship" knew, their last chance to grab at the chance to remain afloat.

Aleksandrov Victor used br NHL as a springboard

the Curious tendency develops in our hockey. Any more the first time enough average players, being in not young age, go to "training kempy" NHL clubs. Last year Renat Mamashev took Mamashev Renat , having signed the trial contract with "New Jersey", and in this season across the ocean jerked Aleksandrov Victor and Grigoryev Mikhail . That is remarkable, all three defenders. It is possible to tell many beautiful words about the last chance and the rule "it is better to try, than to feel sorry for all life", but what actually stands behind such adventurous trips through Atlantic? As a rule, the agent and his player hold that circumstance in the head that one only the mention in a context of NHL raises the price of the player in the market. So, a year ago Mamashev Renat subscribed with "Siberia", and Aleksandrov Victor the other day safely signed the contract with "Sochi".
the Case about Volski Voytek – another proof of that hockey players, coming to ice, risk health and even life. Their huge salaries can irritate, cause envy, but it is more correct to consider them as an insurance from here such accidents.
Not far off and return Grigoryev Mikhail in KHL. To all appearances enkhaelovsky "training kempy" become a monetary springboard.

In TSSKA in Nichushkin Radulova-2

Not saw a secret that TSSKA purposefully looked for replacement to Radulov over the ocean, trying to return someone from the Russian NHL members. It did not turn out with Kucherov Nikita – took Nichushkina Valeria . Thereby "soldiers" killed two hares one shot: and the money exempted from the contract of Radulov, was not gone, and a state and patriotic task of return of stars home carried out. But here passes 11 matches in which Nichushkin hammers only two washers, and Kvartalnov Dimitri already criticizes the beginner. The coach of TSSKA will apologize then for the words that only does it credit, but a call very indicative. If to look at real facts, Muscovites had the right to wait from Nichushkina Valeria for performance of level of Radulov. But not today's Radulov, and that, from 2008. Then it arrived to "Salavat Yulayev" after two years to NHL and with two World Cups behind the back. Nichushkin went further, having won back in the strongest league three seasons and having visited the Olympic Games. Here only on the influence on team Valery strikingly differs from Andrievsky Alexander. If Radulov could turn a match outcome independently and pulled for itself partners, doing them it is better, Nichushkin – only an element in system, let and qualitative. Whether there were Fyodorov and Kvartalnov Dimitri hostages of false expectations?
>>> Apologies Kvartalnov Dimitri before Nichushkin and uncompromising "Torpedo"

Cherepovets showed br to br, as genmenedzher cannot sleep peacefully

Trainer's resignations every season not to consider. Ten heads which have flown away from a genmenedzhersky axe for one season, surprise nobody. And here resignations of heads during the high season – something which is beyond ordinary. Being mistaken over and over again, managers are safely covered with trainers, as if a board. So, any more one trainer was endured by the head of "Petrochemist" Levitsky Igor . And here Mikhalkevich Eugenie did not work b in a new position and half a year. Besides that for it, the former trainer of "Diamond", this role was in a novelty. So also failure PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SEVERSTAL" it is impossible to call summer selection. Yes, the rate on Skorokhodov's former partners in "Yugra" of Magogin and Sitnikov's itself did not justify b, but, for example, new legionaries became leaders of club and do not pull it down. Resignation Mikhalkevich Eugenie , especially after Gulyavtsev Alexander started correcting a tournament situation, looks strange. If to depart from the particular to the general, this personnel decision – a signal to all genmenedzher of league who are sure that sit in the cozy chairs tight.
Source: "Championship"
Валерий Иванович Ничушкин
Herman Stepanovich Titov
Main activity:Official
Alexander Leonidovich Andrievsky
Last position: Assistant to the head coach (Football club "Dinamo-Minsk")
Alexander Salak
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Dinamo" (Riga))
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