Xi Jinping was present on dialogue between the countries of BRICS and BIMSTEK

@IA Sin'hua
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State of Goa / India/, 17 October/Xinhua / - dialogue between leaders of the countries of BRICS and country leaders of the Initiative of the countries of Bay of Bengal on diversified technical and economic cooperation/BIMSTEK/took place on October 16. On action there were the chairman China Xi Jinping, the prime minister India Narendra Damodardas Modi, the president South Africa Dzheykob Gedleyikhlekisa Zuma, the president Brazil Michel Temer, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the president Sri Lanka Sirisena Maytripala, the prime minister Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister Butana Tsering Tobgay, the prime minister Nepal Pushpa Kamal Dakhal Prachanda, the state councilor Burma Aun San Su Chzhi and representatives of the government Thailand.

Xi Jinping in the performance noted that the countries of BRICS and member states of the Initiative of the countries of Bay of Bengal on diversified technical and economic cooperation belong to developing and hope for protection of the global world and ensuring regional security. All of them have similar requirements to development of the state economy and improvement of life of the people.

He specified that now the countries the being formed markets and the developing states face both huge calls, and opportunities. It is necessary to strengthen coordination and coherence the politician for implementation of economic complementarity and advance of integration of regional economy. It is necessary to advance construction joining "An economic belt of the Silk way" and "A sea Silk way of the 21st eyelid" / "A belt and a way" / and plans of the Initiative of the countries of Bay of Bengal for diversified technical and economic cooperation for stimulation of construction of infrastructure, strengthening of coherence and achievement of joint prosperity.

He emphasized that the Chinese party pays special attention to development of cooperation with developing countries and continuously puts new efforts to cooperation development the South-South. China it intends on a platform of BRICS in the spirit of openness, inclusivity, cooperation and mutual benefit in common to advance dialogue and interaction between the states of BRICS and other countries.

the Heads who were present on dialogue, noted that the countries of BRICS and the states of BIMSTEK possess huge complementarity of economy and enormous potential of cooperation. The parties have to strengthen cooperation in areas of coherence, trade and investments, sea economy and humanitarian exchanges. It is necessary to strengthen contacts and to strengthen interaction in the international affairs, to improve global economic governance, to give the joint answer to calls to the general development.